State Id Rules for H4 Visa


New Member
My wife went to the state id(IL) office yesterday, they said she need a SSN. I knwo this is not possible, she went to the SSN office where they gave her a letter of denial. Anyone know how to convince the state id office that H4 dont get a SSN and can still get a state id. I think in their list of documents its the type C document which is missing. List of docs reqd-link below:

Any ideas anyone ???

My view

I do not understand why the DMV office needs SSN to issue a state ID? If it is driver's license, then it's different. Try calling the secretary of state office and speak to someone about the DMV policy. Mention clearly that u r looking for state ID and not driver's license. The official might have erred in denying the ID. You can also try applying again at another DMV office close to your place.
Well In NJ they inisisted on a denial letter if SSN could not be issued we took that and got driving licence
DMV's requirement is different state to state

My wife on H4 got Learner's permit in Virginia without SSN#. So is my son.
Virginia state requires SSN# (if you are issued one).