Starting process


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I am starting my process for US citizenship. I have been through lot of postings on the website and have found lot of useful information about how to get started.

Has anyone tried filling the online application for citizenship at

I was wondering if anyone has tried this (it says that it costs less) or am i better off filling the hardcopy of N-400.

Any help would be appreciated.

I am starting my process for US citizenship. I have been through lot of postings on the website and have found lot of useful information about how to get started.

Has anyone tried filling the online application for citizenship at

I was wondering if anyone has tried this (it says that it costs less) or am i better off filling the hardcopy of N-400.

Any help would be appreciated.

fill the pdf n400 from anf it is free.
don't waste 100 $ at the above site.
hope that help

I am starting my process for US citizenship. I have been through lot of postings on the website and have found lot of useful information about how to get started.

Has anyone tried filling the online application for citizenship at

I was wondering if anyone has tried this (it says that it costs less) or am i better off filling the hardcopy of N-400.

Any help would be appreciated.

The first reply is right. N-400 is a rather easy form to fill. Just don't fudge facts or lie, it will come back to bite you in the ass.
You don't need to pay anyone to fill it for you.
I printed out the N-400, filled it in by hand (to get all my info organized). Then I went back to the website and filled in the online PDF and printed it (so that the USCIS folks wouldn't have to deal with my handwriting.

There's a lot of information, but once you find it and organize it, the form is pretty easy to fill out. Don't pay someone to do it for you.
Thank you all very much for your feedback.

I have one question on fees. the website says that $70 biometric fee may be required. Do i have to send this additional fee or just $330 is sufficient.
$400 total

I think you should pay $400 in total which includes application and fingerprint fees, unless you are eligible for some waiver (military or older than 75).
I have couple of more questions (sorry if some of these are dumb)

1) Got GC in Nov 2001. Can i submit my application for citizenship now or do i have to wait until Nov 2006 ?

2) My husband and me, both are filing for citizenship (we got our GC processed together). Do we need to send 2 seperate applications or one ?

3) This is tied to Q2. Do we need to send in one application fee of $330 or is it $330 each i.e. $660 total ?

4) Part 10 Q16 asks for citations. Does that include traffic violation citations ?. Do i need to specify how many traffic citations i got ?

5) Part 10 Section G (Selective Service Registration). The question is " are you a male who lived in US any time b/w 18 & 26 yrs of age in any status except "lawful nonimmigrant"
What does this mean. My husband was on H1. That makes him a lawful nonimmigrant...right ?

6) In my earlier post i had asked a question on total fees to send i.e. $330 or $400. I got mixed responses. Any more insight on this.

Thanks in advance for all your help.
1) I believe you can file 90 days early (not three months but 90 days). Check the Guide to Naturalization
2) Yes, two applications, two sets of checks totalling 400$ each
3) $800 total (330 +70 (the 70 is "optional", but usually required)) X 2. We sent 4 checks for the two of us (2 for the fee (then $320 each), and 2 for the biometics ($70 each). I'm not sure if it was in the instructions somewhere or our lawyer said to do it.
4) It asks what "citations" you *ever* received. I listed every moving violation since I started driving (though the ones in the 80s were pretty vague)
5) Never been an H1. I believe that makes him a lawful non-immigrant. Phone the Selective Service folks and ask
6) answered
Thank you Flydog. That was very helpful.

Does anyone know of a source from where i can get my traffic violations for past 10 yrs ?

Also - how do i apply for OCI card ?
Thank you Flydog. That was very helpful.

Does anyone know of a source from where i can get my traffic violations for past 10 yrs ?

Also - how do i apply for OCI card ?

Traffic violations - goof starting point is the DMV records which you can get from the respective DMVs. You can also ask them where to get the relevant proof of payments.

Do not worry about OCI card yet. Think about it after you get the US passport.