Stamping with "courtesy copy" of Approval Notice?


Registered Users (C)
Just received the Approval Notice and it says that the official copy has been sent to my attorney. At the bottom it says "This courtesy copy may not be used in lieu of official notification to demonstrate the filing or processing action taken on this case".

The question is can I go for stamping with this copy or should I have the attorney send me the original?

There are lot of messages indicating that stamping was done with curtesy copy. Please have a look at old threads.
Stamping done!

Thanks for the replies!

We got our passports stamped today at Dallas INS office. We got there at 6:30am and got out at 1:00pm!!
Courtesy copy

Used my courtesy copy for stamping at Oklahoma City Office. When I checked AVM I found that my atty's copy was returned undelivered since he had changed his address and probably never informed INS. What a great atty!

Anyway, the only good thing about my Green Card adventure was I got my passport stamped at Oklahoma City in 45 minutes and I went there at 9:00 AM. I would have wasted 8 hours and lost precious hours of early morning sleep ;-) had I been in Dallas.