stamping not required for kids

jo jo

Registered Users (C)
Our case was approved on May 22nd and we recd courtesy copies on May 26th. Only for me & my wife the notice has
instructions to go to stamping. For my son, notice says the card will arrive in 120 days. So, he does not have to go for
stamping. His name is on my wife\'s passport. When my wife goes to stamping, does the stamping say it applies only
to my wife and not to my son? Or it just says something general like permanent residance approved (without the name)?

We are going to India next week. Can my son re-enter with the stamping on my wife\'s passport? Or he has to wait
for the card to arrive?

I have asked my lawyer about this. Does anyone have similar experience or any suggestions ?

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Yes we are all Indians. (may be little older type)
This rule of every one should have their OWN passport was not there in 1992 when my wife & kids got their passports.
Since then all their visa\'s etc have been on the same passport.

Anyway, thanks for yr time.
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you may want to call up the indian embassy, i arrived in 1996 and my son was on my passport. i went to india last year october, and had to get my son\'s individual passport before we went and came back, because they said that i could have problems coming back if my son didn\'t have his own passport. (My original H1 stamping was still on my passport and my son\'t passport was blank, we had applied for i-485 and had our advance parole papers).

the process of applying for my son\'s passport was very simple, and took one day trip to the embassy.

hope this helps.
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Thank you very much. I called up NY indian embassy and refered to their site and looks like I have to get the passport,
before they leave next week!!! The lady in the embassy said - the passport will be issued the same day evening. What was yr experience?

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Yes, issued on the same day (Go early before 11am). But probably it makes sense to get
I551(temporary permanent residency) stamped on your kid\'s passport also so that there is no difficulty in re-entering the US
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It is not difficult to get a passport, embassy works very fast, in fact same day. If you post it they may give you within 7 days ( transit times only) Better get Individual passport before going to stampping. Good luck!
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Will the INS stamp the kids passports - even if their approval letter does not require them to go for stamping. In the kid\'s notice - it just says yr case has been approved. But in our\'s - it gives the address of INS office and documents to carry etc.

Appreciate yr views on this.
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Went to NY Indian embassy and got the new passports for kids yesterday. I only showed their 485 approval letter instead of any US visa. (H4 is expiring today). They refused to consider the approval letter like a visa/GC and gave the passports valid for 1 year only. Once kids GC arrive, the passport can be extended for 4 more years. (I need to waste one more day and some money). Anyway, the kids (and we - the parents) were excited to get the new passports!! Thanks to vscoct99 & india_485 for this good advice on this..

We plan to take the kids also for PP stamping next week. Lawyer adviced to get the I551 stamped before leaving. (same as Narayan\'s posting above). So, hopefully INS will do the stamping - even though the approval does not require it. I will post my experience..
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jo jo there is an entry at ImmiTracker (VSC) by user name "JO" with similar dates. Is that by any chance your entry?

UserID: JO
EB3 INDIA PD:10/23/97 RD:3/30/00 ND:4/3/00 FP:10/27/00

Thanks in advance.
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BTW, when i tried to update my info there - i had password problems etc. After some attempts. i gave up. So, pl update
my record. Thanks.