stamping in sacramento

akbar baig

Registered Users (C)
I need to go get my Green card stamping at sacramento center.
IS there anyone who can let me know if i need to go there early in the morning, or if someone can share their passport stamping experience at sacramento, i will appreciate it.
Yep, you have to go early in the morning between 4.30 and 5.00 AM and wait till 7.00 AM then the gates will open.
My processing took place through nebaraska service center
RD 8/8 but being in california i have been asked to go to sacramento center for passport stamping.
MY approval letter ask me to go the the stamping center between 9:00am to 12:00noon
Then you should follow that time

Then you should follow that time. When I went there people are coming from early morning 4.30. it was way back.