Stamping In Detroit, Let\'s Chat!


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Congratuations to all who crossed the line with smiling faces!
Here, I just want to gather some little info. Lot of people go in the morning, perhaps, standing in the line, waiting for few hours and finally comeout with lot of relief and freedom. They specify the timings from 7am to 3.30pm, how about if anyone wants to go later in the day like 2pm or 3pm, do they still take and stamp it.
Thanks in advance for sharing any more info. regards to stamping & issues!
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I got my passport stamped today in Detroit and it took only 20 minutes when the lady officer came to the desk. I went in the afternoon but due to lunch break the officer was out and had to wait for about 30 minutes when she came. Anyway I guess going between 2:30PM and 3:15PM will be the ideal time for quicker stamping.
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GOOD NEWS! I went yesterday and got everything done in 2hours for both of our cases. So, we are happy! It\'s one great feeling to achieve to this level after so many years of hard work and effort.

My suggestion is that people going in different timings will help everyone so nobody has to wait there! Anyway,...
Thanks ssng2 for your little help!