Stamping Experience at SJ - Stamping Valid for 6 months


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We(myself and my wife) went to SJ INS office at 5:15 AM. INS parking is now accessible thr\' Stauffer (Street adjacent to INS building). Don\'t park it on the road. There were already 100-125 people ahead of us. We got the token around 9:00 AM. We came out at 10:20 AM. The actual stamping was over in 2-3 minutes. The officer asked for EAD, Parole, 2 photos, passport., checked everything.. took our Finger prints on I-89 form and asked us to sign in it. Then the officer stamped the passport and it is valid for 6 months. That surprised us. The officer told us that we should be getting the plastic card in 4-6 months. If we don\'t get the card by then, we have to get it stamped again.. but the officer was very optimistic..

Does the time frame vary from center to center? One of my friend got it stamped for 1 year at SF INS office last Friday. Guys, throw in your response for this.

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Mat - Are they changing the time frame week to week? I and my wife got it stamped from different officers.. so it can\'t be officers decision..
will wait for rsrgc\'s friend\'s stamping

Stamped yesterday at San Jose- Valid for 1 year

I guess I was lucky, My wife & I got ours stamped yesterday
at San Jose and its valid for a year.

Like always it is not worth speding too much time
trying to figure out how the INS works.
Just hope your card comes in 6 months and if
not you would be forced to go back to have them extend it.

We are the lucky ones to have our GC approved,
all the best to those still waiting.
to nonamerican

You are listed on pcee\'s tracking april list

could you post when u got approval notice

Congratulations on your approval

No Title

I spoke to my paralegal now on this. It seems strange to the paralegal. he said he\'ll take it to the attorneys and get back to me if he has any useful info.

it looks like INS SJC has some new valid period.

Good Luck
6 month vs. 1 year and my detail for Pcee

I talked to my attorney. She said that 6 month was standard for a while, then it changed to 1 year due to slow card making process. It\'s back to 6 month again, due to improved process. She said some of her clients got the plastic card in a couple of month. So I would just relax and enjoy the freedom for a while.

My detail:
PD 11/2000
RD 4/30
ND 6/26
FP 11/6
Approved on 2/6/2002
Mine and my wife\'s valid for one year

We got it stamped on feb 6th it\'s valid for one year. They change it every day. It will never the same, usually u should get it within 6 months other wise you need to make another thirupathi yatra!