Stamping at LA


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Hi guys,
Both me and my wife got our passports stamped yesterday at LA office.

we got there around 7.00 am.But were not allowed inside bcos we didn't have the info pass. i told them there was no option for GC stamping in the info pass. They told to get an info pass by selecting the option"Speak to an immigration officer"
we came back home and got an appoint ment at 2.00 and drove back again.
we got there at 1. we were allowed inside only at 1.45. they gave the number right away. we were called in abt 2 minutes. we got the passport stamped in abt 5 minutes. The immigration officeer was a very nice person.
we were out of the office by 2.30

Documents asked
1.INfo pass(printed appointment)
2.courtesy copy.
4.Driver's license
5.ADIT photos
6. I-94

1.Dont go without INFO pass
2. Try to go in the afternoons, bcos it is really free and not that much crowd. it is packed in the morning hours. even with info pass there were so many people.
3.need not go early bcos they dont let you in until 15 minutes before the appointment.
4.Have the printed info pass and drivers license at the entrance to show to the guard.
6. while getting the info pass, enter the zip code of the address mentioned in the approval notice.(First we enterd our zipcode and it gave an appointment in the San Bernardino office).Then we had to cancel and it didn't let us make appointments right away. So we had to get an appointment in my wife's name.

Thanks cennai671. Until five minutes ago I was struggling to make an infopass appointment and decided to go without appointment. Then I read your comments.
cennai671, could you pls tell me how to get this infopass appointment.

Is it by phone? online? how?

hi immi canada

Hi immi canada,
congrats on your approval.

The drivers license is only for photo id i guess bcos they didn't verify the address. they just checked if the name in the appointment letter is the same as in the drivers license. i think u can show your passport too.
if they insist then u can show your drivers license.
i dont think it should be a problem.
with INS everything is trial and error. Good luck

immi_canada said:
Hi cennai671,
I have a problem with driver license.
I have a stamping question on US Immigration. My I-485 was just approved. I understand that they ask Driver License for Photo ID or residence proof.
I have my friend address in State A for INS purpose. But I live in state B and hold Driver license of State B. Now I need to go for stamping in state A.
Is there a way that, the stamping can be done without showing my Driver License. Will they insist that we need to present Driver License as the only form of ID or for proof of residense.


Only security personnels is going to ask for a photo ID before they let you enter into building. At that point, you can either show your passport or your any state DL. They are not going to ask you why you have out of state DL. Once you are inside the building, nobody is going to ask for DL or proof of address. Stamping officer only asks for your passport (that's good enough as a photo ID).
Please advice:
Do I have take my daughter ( 8 yrs old) to the Office or carry her passport.

Is there enough parking available
you have to take your child for stamping

since they took the index finger print and asked my daughter (5 years) to put a 'X' on the form where they take the sign when i went for stamping at LA office.
As for parking, right accross the INS office, there is a public
parking which cost me $10 for less then 3 hours.
If you want to save some money,Take left turn from Los Angeles St to Temple St. You will find a parking lot at right side (on Temple St). That's for $6.00 for whole day.
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I already recd the plastice card for my daughter.
Why these phots are reqd . Is this for passport stamping.
I am not clear.
Please response.
Thank You
I did not receive any card for my daughter

so had to take the snaps when i went for the stamping.
The snaps are used for the Card.
infopass question

I live in Simi Valley. I was trying to take an appointment at LA office through infopass and I am not able to do anything when I reach the page where the timings are displayed. There are no times displayed and only the "Back" button is displayed. what does this mean? Does this mean that I cannot go to LA office for stamping? Any inputs.......?
We had an appointment of 6:30am. We were there around 5:35am parked our car in little Tokyo Mall for $5 max/day. We stood in front of the building and asked to form a line after 6:15am appointments were in a line. Be closer when your previous appointments are asked to form a line so when it’s your turn you can be ahead in your group! We were 21st, number was called around 6:55am. Oficer took our documents, index fingerprint, signature and if we want the choice of mailing cards at lawyer's or at our home address. 7:15am passports were handed back to us with stamping.

1.INfo pass(printed appointment)
2.Orginal approval notice
4.Driver's license
5.ADIT photos
6. I-94

Other documents are souvenirs for you to keep! Good luck!