Stamp in San Jose INS


Registered Users (C)
ND 3/30/01
FP 8/30/01 (schedule is 10/3/01)
AD 9/25/01

Took passport stamp today. Went to SJ INS at 9:20am and left there at 12:30pm. It\'s 3 hours wait. If I do it again, I would go to INS after 11am in the morning.

The officers there are not polite. I saw one of them read newspaper. Good luck.

You\'re so lucky!

Usually people go to SJ INS after 8am won\'t get any chance to get the token. Last time I went there at 2:30am and got out at 10:30am. The waiting time total 8 hours.....
My comments on earlier FP

I only know SJ ASC. I would suggest you go there in the afternoon after 2. Morning will be the time if you prefer a crowded room and chance to ask you to come back on schedule.
Don\'t go there too early

I went there at 9:20am and there was NO token. However, I got a number ticket and it was same thing as the token. The opening time is 7:30am to 2:30pm. I\'m a little regret I went there too early so my waiting time was 3 hours and 10 minutes. There was fewer and fewer people after about 11:30am.
Can you post your PD?

I have been waiting for a long time after my ND-01/03/2001 for getting the approval.My WACNo is 01 066xxxx.Are they taking the cases according to PD.
One quick quetions


Happy for you, at last you are free.
What is your next two digit on your wac for example.
wac-145-xx is it wac-145-51xx

Thanks in advance.