ssp_aks Approved RD: 08/06/2001


Registered Users (C)
By the grace of God, my case hass been approved Today 11/20/2002

Here are the details

LIN 01-267-53***
PD: Jan 2000
RD: Aug 6, 2001
ND: Sep 18, 2001
FP: Jan 05, 2002

RFE Issued: Oct 11, 2002
RFE details received from Laywer: Oct 17, 2002

RFE was for not having parents name on the birth certificate
I provided. Same RFE was issued for my wife.

I got two "affidavits of birth" from my parents.

RFE sent to INS: Nov 5, 2002
RFE details updated at INS: Nov 8, 2002

Case Approved: Nov 20, 2002

My wife's case is still pending.

Congrats ssp_aks ! As far as your wife's case, i guess you might
not have provided affidavits obtained from her relatives/parents.
Hello desiDBA

My apology. I didn't write my wife's case details.

LIN 02-111-52***
RD: Jan 2002
ND: Feb 2002
FP: Apr 2002
RFE Issued: Oct 11, 2002 (same reason as mine)

We did get "affidavits of birth" from her parents also and
sent it to INS.
RFE Details received by INS: Nov 8, 2002 (same as mine)

We got married after I applied for my I485.


Glad to see some August approvals. This gives us hope we will also have our day.

Good Luck and Enjoy the Freedom!

Please update too.
I heard no more adjudications,etc

till the Senate has decided on the new Homeland Security Bill.
My lawyer called me and told me that we might not even get approved!!!As they may halt all pending I-485 - what kind of justice is this??INS CSC has approved people of Sep 2001 - why do we get screwed...
We are royally screwed people....

Where did your lawyer get the information that INS stops approving any case any more?

Can't happen. Screw it.
Jack you are right that We are royally screwed people....

My EAD was expiring in 3 week and now my Attorney is saying that INS have stoped procssing EAD.
Then I just filed my renewal of EAD myself and I got it today without any problems. Now I have the new EAD but my attorney is stil calling me to cancel my appointment.

I think everything will go back to normal after a month or so.

RD 10/01/01
ND 10/30/01
FP 4/20/02
AD waiting
Hi Jack,

Man, this is giving us a nightmare!

Is the halting of I-485 processing is temporary ? Where is the source of Information ?

Please elaborate.
hi prince bud.

Again,as I mentioned,my lawyer who's a member of AILA told me I have been reading strange stuff on
so I have lost all hopes now.
This is the worst Thanksgiving and Xmas ever - as everything that cd go wrong has gone wrong