SSN Question ... Help?


Registered Users (C)
I've applied for SSN recently after switching my status from F2 to F1. MY local SS office hv sent the docs to LA - INS office for varification, as their system is not updated yet with my new Status.
Surprisingly, local SS office were informed by LA-INS that my status is still F2. That means, LA-INS office databese is not updated while my F1 application was processed in TX-INS.

Any QUICK suggestions what shud I do? I'll appreciate!
No one had faced the same problem?

No one had faced the same situation I mentioned above to answer or just reluctant to reply? Plz give some thoughts....I'll appreciate millions. did you get it?

How did you finally manage to get it? I am in the same boat. pls share your experience.
SSN, how did you solve your problem

HI, please let us know how did you manage to get your SSN. My wife has the same problem. Would appreciate if you could let us know.

H4-F1 SSN takes time

hi guys

those of you who have been in this situation, don't worry. most likely it's just that the change of status takes time to appear in the shared database of the SSN office and USCIS.

Just wait for a month or so and you should have the social security card in the mail.

at least that was what happened in my case.