SSN issues


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Hello all,
It has been about 12 days after our finger printing at POE(newark).We had been to Social security office for getting our ssn cards updated, to our surprise, the lady at the counter told us that my wife's A number is still not entered in the Database.As such it may take upto 45 days for her to get a new card( coz these people will wait for 10 days before notifying the INS and then INS should respond. She said the whole process may take 45days).Is anyone in similar situation? I had couple of questions for you all, any suggesstions are welcome
1.Is there any way to speed up the process, like contacting INS ourselves or any other way?
because my wife has been offered a part time job at her school, where she is doing her Master's program.But w/o SSN she cannot work, though she has work permit stamped in her passport.And the job wont be available for that long.
2.Did anyone get a welcome letter before getting the Plastic card?
I heard that people get welcome letter within 10-12 days after entering United States and then you get your Plastic Card.
Well what has happened in ur case is that for some reason SSN cannot see ur updated INS record ..

so there are a few options with you:

1) wait for some more time and then call up the ssn office whether they see u as an immigrant and not a non-immigrant. Only if the answer is yes then make the effort to go to their office.

2) go and give them a copy of ur passport stamp and apply for a new ssn. They will verify the records with INS by sending the paper to the later. This can take upto 4-8 weeks.

3) If you have a local INS office, then u can go there and tell the INS officer ur situation. They will help you out by either giving u something in writing or talking to the SSN office person over the phone.

Looks like you may have to do option 3 as well as keep calling the SSN office every other day as in option 1.

Hope this helps ...
SSA brought in a new rule (not publicises) that said INS has to clear each SSN applicant from their data base. In short no documentation including a physical green card will be accepted for immediate processing. No amount of ringing the SS office is going to make a difference. Ringing their central number will only help if the number has been generated. They will give it over the phone with full identification (through questioning). If you do a search on SSA website you will find that the SSA feels it is OK for the delays because you can start work and even be paid a salary without a SS number if you have other INS authorization - I551 stamp or H1B work permit. The catch is that you can be paid as well. It seems employers report to the SSA once a year, and if your employment falls around that time, only then you may have a problem. I know of a several persons who are being paid a wage pending a SS number. Just ask your wife to show the letter showing she has applied for a job and start work.
that is true that one doesn't

need the SSN to start working as long as u have the status ....

but the employer must be willing to entertain this !!

If u are in a small town that has an INS office (like mine does), then u can work it through them ....

I had a similar issue when my wife applied for a SSN (she had just converted to H1 from H4) ... the SSN office refused to give her the number as her status was not updated and said that they will send the paperwork to INS and it will take 8 weeks or more for them to send the card (ofcourse it was dependent on INS replying back to SSA) ....

So we went to the local INS office and they officer then called up the SSA office and clarified everything over the phone ....

So try you luck and all the best .....
Re: that is true that one doesn't

Originally posted by im9999
need the SSN to start working as long as u have the status ....

but the employer must be willing to entertain this !!

If u are in a small town that has an INS office (like mine does), then u can work it through them ....

I had a similar issue when my wife applied for a SSN (she had just converted to H1 from H4) ... the SSN office refused to give her the number as her status was not updated and said that they will send the paperwork to INS and it will take 8 weeks or more for them to send the card (ofcourse it was dependent on INS replying back to SSA) ....

So we went to the local INS office and they officer then called up the SSA office and clarified everything over the phone ....

So try you luck and all the best .....
Re: that is true that one doesn't

[Hi all.
Thanks for your responses.Well my wife already has a SSN( the one she had was the one which she had applied on H-4).So it says that 'not valid for work/employment'.When we went to SSN office that lady took both of our original card and I already got back my updated card, but no info still abt my wife's card.Ya, I think I will try and contact the local INS office. thanks for your support
Did anyone get the plastic card or atleast the welcome letter? It is exactly 16 days now, since we returned, but i havent r'vd anything.I live in Philadelphia and my other friends were saying that they had got the plastic card in 10 days...probably it differs from one POE to another.Our's was newark....
newark is the worst POE on the east coast

I entered via Newark in Aug and it took me ~3 weeks+ to get the card ... other POEs are faster .... when I was following the trend from Apr to Oct, Newark took on an average one month !!!

If u want to make sure that INS has sent ur card for printing, call TSC and they will ask for ur A# to look up ur record .... but remember be patient while calling as its TSC !!!!!!!!! :eek:
Re: newark is the worst POE on the east coast

Thanks im9999,
I really appreciate your help.But forgive my ignorance what is TSC? and what is the number to contact them? And what is the best time to contact them?

Originally posted by im9999
I entered via Newark in Aug and it took me ~3 weeks+ to get the card ... other POEs are faster .... when I was following the trend from Apr to Oct, Newark took on an average one month !!!

If u want to make sure that INS has sent ur card for printing, call TSC and they will ask for ur A# to look up ur record .... but remember be patient while calling as its TSC !!!!!!!!! :eek:
What letter are you talking in the last letter of your posting?
Can you please be more specific?
Originally posted by mplbob
SSA brought in a new rule (not publicises) that said INS has to clear each SSN applicant from their data base. In short no documentation including a physical green card will be accepted for immediate processing. No amount of ringing the SS office is going to make a difference. Ringing their central number will only help if the number has been generated. They will give it over the phone with full identification (through questioning). If you do a search on SSA website you will find that the SSA feels it is OK for the delays because you can start work and even be paid a salary without a SS number if you have other INS authorization - I551 stamp or H1B work permit. The catch is that you can be paid as well. It seems employers report to the SSA once a year, and if your employment falls around that time, only then you may have a problem. I know of a several persons who are being paid a wage pending a SS number. Just ask your wife to show the letter showing she has applied for a job and start work.
Re: Re: newark is the worst POE on the east coast

Originally posted by veerender
Thanks im9999,
I really appreciate your help.But forgive my ignorance what is TSC?

TSC: Texas Service Center (Located in Dallas, Texas.)

For General Correspondence, please use the following address:
P.O. Box 851488
Mesquite, TX 75185-1488

and what is the number to contact them? And what is the best time to contact them?
You can also find phone numbers on the I-797 forms sent by INS for I-140 approval.

Employer-related Immigration Matters (INS Office of Business Liaison):
1 (800) 357-2099
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POE: chicago
DOE: 12/23/2002

recieved welcome letter 1 week ago, no GC as yet in the mail.
Looks like I am not alone in the boat.Well Friends, atleast let us keep each other updated in this regard. As for my wife's job, th eemployer has asked a letter from Social Security office stating that her SSN application is under review.Hopefully that office would issue such a letter ..
Thanks everyone for the useful info.

Originally posted by lbrn
POE: chicago
DOE: 12/23/2002

recieved welcome letter 1 week ago, no GC as yet in the mail.
Plastic Card?

Hi all,

My wife got her SSN today by Post...Though she has gone just a day before to the SSN office,( for getting a letter stating that she had indeed submitted her SSN card for updation), she was told that it would atleast take 40 days still to get the card...and the next day card was in the post!!!)Anyways still no sign of the welcome letter or the plastic card...Is this anything to worry?
Did anyone get the card recently? I had my interview on 27th Dec and I arrived on 7th jan....
Please let me know in this regard.
Welcome lettters

Hi all,
We finally got our welcome letter(s) and it says that we can except our Plastic cards in 3 weeks...The funny part was both of us got two letters each....Will keep u all informed when we get our card..
Re: Plastic Card?

Hi veerender,

DOE - 01/12/03

Applied SSN on 01/24/03
Recieved SSN's (for me and wife) on 01/29/03
Recieved welcome letters 01/22/03
Recieved Green cards on 01/31/03


Originally posted by veerender
Hi all,

My wife got her SSN today by Post...Though she has gone just a day before to the SSN office,( for getting a letter stating that she had indeed submitted her SSN card for updation), she was told that it would atleast take 40 days still to get the card...and the next day card was in the post!!!)Anyways still no sign of the welcome letter or the plastic card...Is this anything to worry?
Did anyone get the card recently? I had my interview on 27th Dec and I arrived on 7th jan....
Please let me know in this regard.

Hi all,
Thanks to all of you for your responses...Well, finally we got our Green Card :).The wait is finally over....and i am glad abt it....
I take this oppurtunity to thank everyone and Rajiv Khanna esp, for the great effort, support and help...
Ps: If anyone needs any info, can reach me at .I will try my best to help.