SSN-EAD help


Registered Users (C)
Got EAD and then SSN. But SSN card does not contain any message like authorized for work etc. Anybody has similar experience?
No Such Message Required

No such message required. SSN card will have message like "Not authorized to work" in case you are not authorized. There is no message means you are authorized to work.
Valid for work only with INS autorization

Usually this is the message if you get the SSN based on the EAD.
Later after GC you can apply to remove this message as well
In how many days did you get SSN


Could you post in how many days after applying with EAD you got SSN. Lot of people here (incl my wife) who applied for ssn using EAD have been told there is a delay because of INS verification. Did that happen to you?
Thanks in advance