SS Benefit eligibility for elderly parent


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,
Hope somebody can help me with the following: My mom just became a new immigrant and we are wondering what kind of medical and Supplemental Security Income benefits is she eligible for. She is 69 and though I [I sponsored her] I can take care of her financially I wanted to know if she is eligible for any state [New York] or federal benefits. If anybody on this forum can help that will be terrific. If you have any info you can send me a private email to:
Thanks in advance!
The benifit your mother is entitled to is .. what you just signed an affidavitt of support for .. (assuming you did this ).. she can get government assistance on shelter and medicle.. only you hung yourself .. its at your cost .. cos she can sue you .. or rather the fed or state will

get yourself and your mother medicle insurance ..once again at your cost ..

remember unless she works here and earns a $ ,then she may get SS

Please... dont burden the USA Tax payers to subdisize your mother

loads of luck fourtune and look after mom :)
uninspiring and uncalled for

Whatever you name is -- "inspiring" -- I simply asked for objective information, not a moral lecture [w/a silly smiley face to boot]. My request to all members of this forum--if you can't stay objective and strictly informative, please don't participate.

Anyhow, no thanks for your reply! your rude and condescending tone is uncalled for.
I think she can get medcare or medcaid. not any money though. You should call the social security hotline and ask. You dont have to give them you name, at list I dont think you do. If I was in your situation I would call and ask and see what they say. Cant hurt to ask them.

You should visit the US citizenship forum, there are really knowledgeable guys there. I believe there is some sort of time limit (maybe 5 years? not sure) after which your permanent resident parent would be eligible for medicare/medicaid. Please post it if you do find out.

And I second your motion regarding the previous poster.
