Spouse threatening - Need help

Re: what is with this fixed marriages...

Originally posted by ranniedv
you indians have...? Is this part of your customs and traditions? If it does, I'm sorry but it sucks!

You working your ass off and then going back to India for a vacation and then, marry to someone whom you're parents fixed for you... I think that's the dumbest and the most moronic thing you can do... You are actually being EXPLOITED by your would-be dependents, your so called wives (or husbands), and you don't even know it....

So sad... for a marriage to at least work, you have to know and learn to love the other person. :eek:
You are totally wrong in your assumption that arranged (fixed) marriages do not work. Almost every indian will have fixed marriages and the life time divorce rate among indians is < 10% . And i am sure that among the americans, this rate is > 40% (based on several articles that i have read). Please do not form your opinion based on just 2 postings here (they are part of that < 10% category).
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I remembered what my manager told me once about a marriage, compromise, accountability, understanding, love will make any marriage ever lasting.