Spouse\'s Plastic Card Not Received


New Member
Hi All :

We got our CP done in India in Mar 2001 and I have received my plastic card in Oct 2001. However, my wife\'s plastic card didnt reach us because the INS made a mistake in our address (missed bldg number !). We have since faxed G-731 form to the INS weekly for last 3 months as told by the IIO in the local INS office. Havent got any response.

Has anyone experienced such a thing ?? We now plan to move and were wondering what impact it will have on our case.

Please share your experiences. This forum has helped us immensely so far.

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hi svp,

I had the same problem with my wife\'s card. We did CP and entered US (SFO)in Jan\'01. I received my card in Nov\'01 from TSC. In Dec\'01 we went to the local INS for re-stamping and the IIO there said that her card was mailed in NOV and it might be returning back to SC. He also filled out G-731 (enquiry form) himself and asked us to send it by certified mail. We sent the enquiry to TSC but no response for next 2 months. In the second week of Feb\'02 i called up TSC and the IIO confirmed that her card was returned back to SC. She then verified the address (found that they missed out the Apt#) and then updated the same. She also said that will arrange to resend them and it will take 3 weeks. In the next week my wife got her welcome letter and a week after that she got her card. The letter inside was the original letter and only on the address portion there was a sticker with the name and the correct address. So in my experience enquiry form will not work. Call the SC.

thanks !

thanks, rajlak. yours seems to be exactly the same case as ours. We will try it with the SC and hopefully it will work after the G731 submissions !
