Spouse received interview letter, however mine has not arrived


New Member
My spouse and I applied for citizenship on the same day. We got the FP notice for the same day. However he has received his interview letter and I have not received mine yet.

I was wondering if this is normal.

Here are our dates:

DO: Seattle, WA
PD: Jul 28 2006
FP completed on:Aug 21 2006
Spouses interview scheduled for: Nov 27 2006
My interview schedule: do not know :(.

First guess: your background check is still pending, hence no interview letter. Furthermore, even if people apply together, their applications stand alone and might very well move at different speeds.

Have you created an online portfolio @ USCIS.gov? There, you can add your receipt number. Once the case changes to 'cannot be found', you will know that your interview letter is on its way.


LegalAlien99 said:
Have you created an online portfolio @ USCIS.gov? There, you can add your receipt number. Once the case changes to 'cannot be found', you will know that your interview letter is on its way.

As I have many times before, even though that is case is most of the cases, it is NOT a 100% guarantee that the moment case status vanishes, it would indicate that an interview letter has been sent. My and my spouse' case statuses vanished on the 23rd of August. But we have still not received our respective interview letters. I have taken Infopass as well as talked to the National Service Center immigration officer and confirmed that they have not yet sent interview letters for us.
I am in the same boat

Both me and my spouse applied together, got fingerprinting together and both had the status of the case disappear from the USCIS websiter at the same time on the Sept 25th. I have recieved the interview letter but my spouse's letter has still not arrived.
Not sure what to do
Recieved the second letter too

The good news is that my spouse has also receved the interview letter. :)

The bad news is that my interview has been cancelled and I don't know when will they schedule it next. :(

Has anybody seen this happen :confused:
Yes, I was descheduled last May. All I can say is "Good Luck".

You are now off the "fast track" and they'll get around to rescheduling your appointment when they get around to it (who knows when).

My suggestion:

1) Wait a month or six weeks (to make sure they don't quickly reschedule it), then...
2) Take an InfoPass appointment and find out exactly what happened. If it is name check, you are pretty much out of luck for a while (it seems).
3) If it's not name check, contact your congressman and your senators (hopefully at least one of your incumbants will have won and still have an office set up). They have staff dedicated to immigration issues. In my case, it was the intervention of my Senator that got my interview back on track (many months later). I tried my congressman first (he lives only about a 1/2 mile away, so I figured it was a better first try). All that did was get a staffer who phoned me back and told be everything I had found out on my own. If at first you don't succeed,... try another office holder.

When you talk to the congressional/senatorial aid, be very pleasant and polite. You want them to think you'd make a nice new citizen and that they should go out of their way to make your path smoother. If everything works, phone them back and say thanks (or, do what I did and send flowers) -- you want them to be nice to the next person as well.

If it is name check (which I never did hit <sigh/>), read up on strategies on the various threads on this board.

Things that are useless (at least in my experience)...

1) Taking additional InfoPass appointments - though having a record of doing that might be useful in the long run (and I think it helps getting sympathy from the congressman/senator's offices)
2) Writing the district office director a letter -- at least in Dallas, they go unanswered.

My PD was last September, my original interview was scheduled in May. I went to 4 infopass appointments this past summer. I sent the Dallas District director 2 unanswered letters. Finally last month, my interview was scheduled (which I had today). Check out the Dallas timeline (posted today) for my detailed timeline.

Good luck
sawankaandha said:
The bad news is that my interview has been cancelled and I don't know when will they schedule it next. :(
Has anybody seen this happen :confused:

It happened to me this summer, and I received a new invitation within two weeks. So there is some hope that it may just be a short delay.
Good luck to you!
Caillie - what was your DO

Caillie said:
It happened to me this summer, and I received a new invitation within two weeks. So there is some hope that it may just be a short delay.
Good luck to you!

which DO were you in. I am in Hartford CT

sawankaandha said:
Got a new interview letter :)

this is the latest from me

Congratulations Sawankaandha! And I'm sorry I didn't respond to your previous question. I had lost track of that thread and never saw your post until now.
In case it matters to another reader, my DO is Tampa.
My parents filed together as well and I understand they are treated separately. My mother actually finished the process and is a permanent citizen (I sponsored her as an American citizen).

My father NEVER got his letter. Never. He called and mailed a letter asking where it was. He was told "oh it has to be on the way" and the VERY next day he gets a letter saying he missed his interview and now he has to see a judge.

We never even got a copy of the letter.....

Couple of things. Don't take it badly, as I can see you're new to the forum. You are resurrecting an old thread from 2006. It would have been better to start your own new thread and you should probably do that. Furthermore, it is not clear what your parents are doing. It seems to me you sponsored them for permanent residence. This is the citizenship forum. I think you already posted something else in the I-485 forum which is the right place to answer your questions.