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spouse of a permanent advice, pliz advice


Registered Users (C)
Hallo all, I saw this question on the Family based visa forum and I thot I bring it here because there are more people contributing and i have been helped before. if there is any one there please assist because I have the same problem.
I will soon be a US permanent resident (through DV LOTTERY) but by the time I was getting the Visa (AUGUST 2008) I wasnt married since then I have met a potential spouse and am worried that all will be lost when I move to the US in January 2009. I have read a bit about petitioning for a spouse but I understand it takes over 5 years of waiting. are there faster ways available eg non immigrant visas and if I came back home and we got married and the spouse went for a non immigrant visa would the marriage jeopardize the chances? I would appreciate all advice