Spouse interview, what should we bring


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My case(primary) was approved in Dec. 2000(RD3/00), now my spouse received interview notice, what should we bring with us? Anyone has the same experience? Please help.

From this Web site, most interviews are straight forward and general questions will be asked. Has your spouse been out of status? What is his/her visa status now?
Did U get the list of documents

Did U get the list of all documents required at the interview?
How come you got the approval in Dec2000 and your hubby is getting interview date in 2002? Any RFE\'s?
How did you come to know

Did you call IIO or Heard on AVM , In our case also, primary approved on Aug 15 01, Spouse got an RFE on Sep 01, Till today no new s from INS, waiting for the response, No Idea why it is getting delayed. Spouse (H1) never on out of status. What was your spouse status ? Details Please...

Here are the details. Any input is highly appreciated

My husband is now on H1. I don\'t think he is out of status, but last year when he applied for his H1, the quota was used out, so he had to wait for a couple of month to get it. But we think at that point he should be allow to stay in USA. His company kept him but he didn\'t get paid at that period. That\'s the only thing we can think of right now. One week after I got approved, I knew from AVM that his case was transfered to Baltimore. We got interview notice from Baltimore and the general checklist, but he doesn\'t fit in any categories. I haven\'t see any cases like ours so far. My attoney thought it could caused by the separation of our files(he had his FP redo), but who knows? We were so worried. Please help.