Spouse in Military; Faster Processing and Interview Concern


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My Fingerprint appt for my AOS is scheduled for Jan 6. My husband (USC) is in the nat'l guard and will go away to basic training jan 29th '07.

1) I heard that poeple in the military have 1) greater chances of the interview going more smoothly and 2) much faster processing than everyone else. :cool: My cousin got her green card about 2 weeks after her application was received. Any experiences or first hand knowledge about this??

2) My Big Worry : 3 weeks after my FP appt. he'll be gone to Texas for training and won't return to new york for 5 mths. He can't leave the base. :eek:
a) How much will this delay my application if my interview is scheduled for - after his deploy date?
b) Can I be interviewed by myself?
c) If so, what's the nature of this kind of solo interview?
b) Do you know of anyone on a military base, esp during basic training, being allowed to leave for an immigration interview?

As many or as little answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.
hello there,try to make a copy of his training deployment orders and take with u together with the rest of ur marriage evidence incase u got the interview notice and his still on basic training. make sure u got alot of stuff that will proof ligit marriage. and if u lucky they will approve the case at the spot.and if not they,ll ask u when are u expecting him back and will reschedule another date close to that,good luck

Chomage said:
My Fingerprint appt for my AOS is scheduled for Jan 6. My husband (USC) is in the nat'l guard and will go away to basic training jan 29th '07.

1) I heard that poeple in the military have 1) greater chances of the interview going more smoothly and 2) much faster processing than everyone else. :cool: My cousin got her green card about 2 weeks after her application was received. Any experiences or first hand knowledge about this??

2) My Big Worry : 3 weeks after my FP appt. he'll be gone to Texas for training and won't return to new york for 5 mths. He can't leave the base. :eek:
a) How much will this delay my application if my interview is scheduled for - after his deploy date?
b) Can I be interviewed by myself?
c) If so, what's the nature of this kind of solo interview?
b) Do you know of anyone on a military base, esp during basic training, being allowed to leave for an immigration interview?

As many or as little answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.
Chomage said:
My Fingerprint appt for my AOS is scheduled for Jan 6. My husband (USC) is in the nat'l guard and will go away to basic training jan 29th '07.

1) I heard that poeple in the military have 1) greater chances of the interview going more smoothly and 2) much faster processing than everyone else. :cool: My cousin got her green card about 2 weeks after her application was received. Any experiences or first hand knowledge about this??

That usually applies for naturalization cases I don' know how it works out for AOS. I'd recommend u schedule an INFOPASS appointment to find out.

2) My Big Worry : 3 weeks after my FP appt. he'll be gone to Texas for training and won't return to new york for 5 mths. He can't leave the base. :eek:

Is he going to Fort Sam Houston?...I'll probably see him around...

a) How much will this delay my application if my interview is scheduled for - after his deploy date?

More than likely u'll have an interview before his deploy date....Basic training takes 9-10 weeks...and advanced training can last anywhere from 16 weeks to a year depending on his MOS...I'm talking active duty but I'm sure training is the same for national guard..realistically ur husband won't deploy for at least Six months...

b) Can I be interviewed by myself?

Not likely..but strange things happen...

c) If so, what's the nature of this kind of solo interview?

Not applicable

b) Do you know of anyone on a military base, esp during basic training, being allowed to leave for an immigration interview?

No...Basic training is a no-no...he might be able to work something out during AIT(advanced training) even then chances are slim...u can always postpone the interview...In the best case scenario u're looking at one phone call from him per week...write letters

As many or as little answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated.

I speak from the perspective of active duty...for a national Guard side of view u should try posting at www.military.com or if u have an AKO account u can post on www.us.army.mil(u need a passcode). If u decide to post on www.military.com, be incredibly nice...they have little patience.

Good luck