Sponsoring Employer willing to cooperate.. 180 days passed.. Can I change job with slight different


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Hello all,
My employer unable to find a contract for me yet.. I got a permanent job offer after 4 months of bench period but slight different job title and place.. 180 days passed.. got EAD. Sponsoring company willing to cooperate on this issue.. Can I make a move confidently or wait for some more time?

Details :
RD : 03/28/01
ND : 04/16/01
FP : 07/24/01

Guys, any comments..

Appreciate your help..
No Title

i\'m in same boat now. just lost job at the client, but my employer is willing to pay me for 3-4 months on bench. went and got iEAD today- valid for 4 months. finished 180 days(rd 4/20). recently got fp notice for 11/2, but i\'ll go ahead and do early fp this week.

if i get a job now, can i join using iEAD? since i would still be on payroll with my current employer i can respond to rfe if i get any.
or should i officially quit my current company and join the new job? if i do this would i need a new h1?

ashv, talk to your attorney and post here. i\'ll do the same.

thanks in advance.
No Title


I\'m in a slightly different boat.

Last day is 11/10/01, 180 days passes
on 10/25/01.

I talked to an attorney. You can join new employer
on a EAD or H1 card.

Whether you tell the INS or not about the job is the
big question. Initially I thought you shouldn\'t, but
now that I\'m seeing all these RFE\'s for the March filers,
I\'m beginning to re-consider.

I think it would be better to tell them about the job
change, rather than getting a RFE for say pay stubs
for current employer and being unable to reply to it.
No Title

just got off the phone from attorney. she says its your choice-
join the new job and continue to be on payroll with sponsoring employer as long as you can/wish (you can do multiple jobs)
quit officially and join the new job (in this case INS needs to be informed)
either way new h1 NOT reqd.

i\'m thinking- why inform ins of the change and invite more pain(rfe for job nature etc) when i can still be on payroll and receive pay checks from my current employer for few more months? what you guys think?

bongo, your case is different in the sense that you don\'t have an option to remain on payroll with sponsoring company. ashv and i have that option as our legal employers are consulting agencies who just place people with clients on contract basis. when we lose job, we actually lose contract with the client, then we go onto "bench" and the agency would still be our legal employer. its upto the agency whether to lay off or keep you with no pay or keep with pay. usually they keep and pay for few months and then lay off if they still can\'t find new contracts.

we are in a boat with two engines :)
You are absolutely right, Greencraze!


No need to report the job change, voluntarily. It could give you some more delay.
Just give the evidence of the change, when it is requested or at the interview.

---whatever engine you are riding---
