Sponsoring Employer Issue


Registered Users (C)
Hi All
I think this will intrest everyone who are looking for good job Opportunity and wanna ensure clean Naturalization/Citizenship Process.

Q 1. If GC is pending and is someone is expecting Approval in and around 2 months.
If they are getting good job Opportunity should they switch the job ( Note : Sponsoring Company is not firing or laying them off).
Say Client where they are working wants to take up fulltime Position

Q2 . Should someone wait for GC Approval and then switch

Q3 . Is it advisable to wait for 6 months with Sponsoring company after Approval

Q4 If we leave say in 1 months time after approval , How will affect Citizenship Process.

In Short Should we change Job before GC Approval, immediately after GC Approval or wait for 6 months ???

Plz share your Thoughts and experties. This will help all our friends to decide there future course of Action

Browse the other posts in this forum

Why don't you spend some time going through the other posts in this forum? This issue has been discussed before a number of times.