Spoke with IIO this morning.


Registered Users (C)
Hi! I finally gt to talk to an IIO after 3 days effort.
ME: Ma\'m I wanted to find the status of my AOS
IIO : What is you case Number
ME: .....
IIO: Your case moved into the officers area in March. Please wait for a minute.
IIO: Let me look at the File locator... Yes it has moved into that area. You should hear from us anytime.
ME: Does it mean it is assigned to an officer.
IIO: It could be in process as we speak.
ME: How long do you think it would be before some notification comes through.
IIO: I ca\'nt say Sir... Well please call after 8 weeks if you do not recv any notification.
ME: If I call after 8 weeks can I give the reference of the person whom I spoke with....
IIO: Oh! sure You can Here is my name " ". Please give them my reference.
ME: Can I confirm that my dependents are also in the saame work area as me.
IIO: Sure Please give me their numbers:
ME: !!!!Gave both the numbers.
IIO: They are in the same area like you. Usually it is that way... they keep the family together.
ME: Thanks very much Ma\'am Nice talking to you ....
IIO : Oh! You are welcome... It was pleasure talking to you too.

What is this work area ... Does anyone know? A case being in work area .... does it mean that the case has been assigned to the IIO.
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SRIBHAMI MY PD is DEC97, but RD is 25 Aug 99, I am trying to call them last 2-3 days, but could not get through, hope that my case will in the work area too.
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Called INS today and spoke with an IIO. I was trying them since 8.30AM and got through and intially I was just playing around with the auntomated system and finally at the stroke of 9AM went onto to speak with an IIO and I was put on hold for almost 25 minutes and finally an IIO showed and she seemed to be a person of chinese origin.
These are the things that we talked
IIO: Hello!How can I help you.
Me: Good morning maam!!How are you today.
IIO: Doing great. Thanks and how are you.
Me: ME too doing fine. Thanks. I just called to know the status of my AOS application.
IIO: Can I have your WAC#.
ME: Sure. Its WAC-01-090-XXXXX.
IIO: Did you say(Repeats the WAC#). Could you please hold on for a minute.
She checks it on the system for a minute.
IIO: Can I have your name please.
Me: Fist name is ____________ and last name is _________
IIO: Great. Can I also have your home address
Me: Its__________________________
IIO: Your case is still pending
Me: Could you please make sure that INS has received my Finger printing reports from FBI
IIO: Sure. Can I have your A#.
Me: Its ____________________
IIO: Yaa we have your FP results here. Looks good.
Me: Could you please tell me what the processing time for such cases
IIO: We are now processing 01/26/01 right now
Me: Hope mine is 01/29/01
IIO: Wait a minute. Let me check that too(checks and confirms).
Yaa you are right. Its just a matter of time. You may get your approval in a month or 2.
Me: Fine maam. Is my FP reports been updated in the system.
IIO: Yaa its done now and you should hear soon.
Me: Thanks maam and have a great day
IIO: You too.
Me: Bye bye.
My case details are RD: 01/12/01, ND: 01/29/01, FP: 03/23/01(Originally scheduled on 04/21/01). Please let me gurus please if it is ready to be assigned to an officer or is it still pending.
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Can anyone please give me the AVM or IIO number to get the status of my AOS.
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I spoke to IIO (I really think that they are not immigration officers, they are customer service clerks).She was very friendly and nice, but she had no clue what was going on. All she could say that case was pending. Then I said that JIT said that they are working on January cases and my case is December and I would like to know when is it going to be assign to the officer. She said that if JIT says January that means they are working on December and that JIT report always shows one month ahead?????? She also said that my case is ready to be adjucitated. Does anybody know what does that mean?
I am so pist that nobody at INS can give us an info what is going on. She was also saying that they have a big backlog, like I care. I just want them to get the job done. She had an accent, so she is an immigrant too. She knows what does that mean, but she still does not care at all.
My ND is 12/13
I did my fingerprint on 03/08/01
EAD 03/21
I485 waiting.
I am getting more and more frustrated. I hope that approval comes soon for all us
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my ad 02-97 CSC eb-3 nd-01-00 India. no fp yet talked to iiO several times since oct.00, they said I should get fp any time,talked to local congressman in jan.00 no help in sight is there any one in the same boat

thanks in advance

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Have patience ZanaN
I am sure there are lotsa cases like yours pending and it is just the way INS works. If it would cheer you up I have ND of 09/99 and my case is still pending. I did my FP 02/01 and yet no approval.
So don\'t get frustrated and hang in there - we will all get thro\', hopefully...
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How do you handle it?
I have written to a director of the center, to a congressman, and I have sent a G731-inquiry form to INS last week.
You are so patience. I have been in a process for more then 3 years, and I am running out of patience. Congressman did the inquiry for me, and INS said on 04/21 that the decision on my case will be made within 60 days. That is still not good enough, so I will be writing to a senator this week, to see what they can do. I am not giving up.
Thanks for advise. I appreciate it. But I have to do anything I can to get this done. It is holding to many things in my life. I will call INS again next week too.
Do you know their fax number?
I want to fax G731 again.
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if your ND is 01-00, please go to local INS office and request a FP notice. they will print out one for you. there are others on this board who did that and i think ciba\'s tracker site has some experience on this.
good luck.
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You did your FP in early march so your approval should be coming any day now - it is usually taking about 2-3 months after FP for the recent cases. It is only the old cases like 98/99/early 00 that are being mis-handled. It\'s a good thing that you are not giving up and yeah by all means try to contact them by whatever means available. I wish you, myself and all others who are waiting for approvals all the best. Hopefully we should see some light at the end of this endless tunnel...