Spoke with IIO EB3 PD July 98 Case


Registered Users (C)
Spoke with IIO today afternoon.
My details are PD July 98 ( became current this month ), RD/ND Aug 99,
RFE OCT 2000.

He told me that it is taken of the self now from Hold since October. But April/May are very busy and also people goto vacation. I should here
something within another 30-40 days???

Unbelivable, after waiting for almost 2 years in 485 queue, wait for another month??? Especially, most other people before me got approved??
Is anybody in the same boat???
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What was the hold due to ? Company name change or Visa availabity or something else... I am in the same boat but my PD is Aug\'98 and my company changed name.
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No , no company name change...It was on hold since OCT. 2000 for
Visa Availability...But Visa is available as of June 1.
Last week IIO said it was taken by IIO as of May 25.
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I am in the same boat.......
My details:
category - EB2
ND - Dec 99
RFE for employment letter recieved by INS on May 2nd
Spoke to an IIO past monday and she gave me similar answer. Case is reassigned to an officer on June 2nd and it may take 30 days or more. Depends on how busy the officer is and he may be on vacation. Sick and tired of this process.