Spoke to IIO


Registered Users (C)
Just spoke to IIO.
I asked her following questions :
1. How was quality of my FP.
   She told me that FP quality was good.
2. Has my case been assigned to an officer ?
   She said no. She said that my case is still pending.
I did early FP on 10/30. My Fp was scheduled for 11/30.
She retrieved my information using my WAC number. She also asked
me DOB and address.
That means INS has already received FP from FBI.
I did not tell her that I did early FP.
She did not allow me to ask about my wife\'s case.
My details are :
RD : 4/30/2001
ND : 6/28/2001
PBAN - Whats your AVM says !!

Hi Pban
    Can you check your AVM message & let us know what it says? As IIO was able to tell your FP status by just WAC# it must have moved to system 2, I checked with IIO & that lasy said they don\'t have FP info using my WAC#. When i checked on 10/24 using my A# she told me that they recived FP. As my AVM says old message, does your says.. "FP recieved.." Please let us know, thanks
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AVM is still same for me : ".... 990 days".
I am also confused by your experience.
Does INS update the AVM when they move the case to system 2 ?

INS updates the system in 10-12 days.

INS updates the system in 10-12 days. I gave my Fp on 09/5/01 and was updated on 09/16/01. Could you tell me which number did you use to call IIO.
No update for me either

My AVM still says the same message(On October 3rd, we mailed blah...blah). and I did early FP 10/20 (11/01).
No updates for me either

I did my FP on 11/2 (scheduled on 11/29)in oaklan but no updates in the AVM and NO EAD also. My ND 8/22, WAC starts with 263 series...
I am in the same boat too. No updates


Mine also the AVM says "On October 3rd, we mailed blah...blah" and I did early FP 10/30 (Sheduled : 11/27). WAC#-01-260-XXXXX. No EAD also still.

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I called @ : 949-831-8427.

I did FP on 10/30. If INS takes about two weeks (10-12 days), then AVM for me should get updated by monday (11/19).

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AVM has changed for me to : "On November 16, 2001 finger print were collected and are pending review...."
