Spoke to IIO


Registered Users (C)

IIO said that the case is still pending and not yet assigned.I asked her to check if they have received my finger prints from FBI she was able to check that for me and my wife without asking the A number So if the board theory is right my finger prints are in system 2.

Deb-How long i might have to wait? Any Guestimates?

Thanks very much
one more to go
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Hmmm so we are close in the queue..when did you do your FP ? did she say anything about FP background checking ...mine also not assigned..I think once assigned it shouldn\'t take more than 1-2 weeks....mine went to FP background checking dept on june 19 9 exactly 1 month back ) ....
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FP and Background check

Is there a difference between

FP coming back from FBI


background check ?

If so, do they come to CSC as one pack from FBI?

If the IIO only asks for wac (and not a#)... does it mean that all other procedure(s) are over and case is about to be assigned to a officer?

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I dont think there is any thing like backround check, IIO probably means finger prints coming back from FBI or finger prints moving from system 1 to system 2 .She told me that everything looks good and i just have to wait for a decision.
My FP Date is 04/20/01.
Thanks much
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I think fingerprint and backgreound checking are different steps. I did my FP in March. When I called IIO in June, I was told they received my fingerprint in April from FBI. Then today, I was told that my background checking result was received last week.
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Do you think guys that IIO knows at the time of calling to him/her the date when will be the case assigned to officer?