Spoke to IIO


Registered Users (C)
Same old answer:
"Your case is very old and I\'ll request supervisor to pull the file and process it". I guess supervisor is the most used word in INS TSC. Solution for every problem is Supervisor.

Does any body else has the same experience?

PD: July 97
ND: Oct 99
2nd FP: Nov 2001
IIO: Same old answer

I am in the same boat as yourself.
My RD is 1/2000 & ND is 2/2000.
Spoke to an IIO a few times in the last six months.

Last time I called (just a couple weeks ago), I was told that
sine my application has been moved to a workstation & is
waiting to be assigned to an officer.
Anybody in the same situation, please let me know
what happened with your case after this.

Prior to this (when I called TSC in 2/2002), the IIO told
me that since my application was filed prior to March-2000
(the official TSC processing date), a supervisor will be
requested to pull the file.

I guess pull the file means move to a workstation.
And the next step after that is to be assigned to an

Useless to call IIO

I had called to TSC three times this year in Jan, Feb, March and all the times they said "your case is very old and I \'ll send an e-mail to superviosr and ask the supervisor to pull the file". But nothing has happened. When my lawyer called last time they gave different answer,"Finger Prints are not attached to the file. Once they are attached it will be assigned to officer".

I don\'t believe on what they say. Looks to me it is useless to call them.
IIO asked me to wait another year to get my case approved.

I just called the TSC 3 minutes ago and the guy told me to wait another year to hear anything back form TSC. They are processing year 2000 cases..

Qixin Zuo