Spoke to IIO - RD 10/2001


Registered Users (C)
Spoke to IIO yesterday, as per him my case is not yet assigned to officer, it might take 4-6 weeks before my case is assigned to officer. Presently INS is processing AUG & SEPT cases.

I have seen so many approvals and RFEs for OCT cases and still there are cases untouched. I wonder what is their criteria of picking up the cases. In what order case is assigned to officer?
Can anybody tell us if IIOs really know when a case is assigned to an officer?

Like everything else, I think they are only bullshiting you us when giving this information.

Please post your experiences...
out of four times I called them two times I was told my case was assigned to a officer. One time I was told it was not assigned and that time happened after I was told it was assgined. And another time I was told he could not find out whether my case was assigned.
So, I can not give you a straight answer either, sir

You just confirmed what I thought.
When it comes to informing whether or not your case has been assigned to an officer IIOs, just for a change, BULLSHIT YOU.

Nice customer service!
Thanks suresh_colo and goal32 with your opinion on the subject. I think I agree with you. I wonder INS should replace IIOs with tape recorder.
Hi, guys:

Next time when you call IIOs, go ahead to ask NSC why they have different versions of information about your case.