Spoke to IIO about card


Registered Users (C)
Spoke to IIO today, 12/12/02 at about 3.30 pm. gave her A# and told her me and wife got passports stamped on 11/06/02.

She said that "we recceived the I-89 on Nov 19 for both you and wife. The cards are now in production. It will take 2 months from today for you to get the cards."
"The backlog and the time taken to produce a card is the reason for the delay. There is no problem with your application"

So, there you go, after getting stamped on 11/06/02, I am being told to expect cards in Feb 03. I'll let you all know if I receive it sooner.

Thank you..
IIO gave wrong Info

I spoke to IIO on 12/10/02 regarding my Card , Stamped on 11/04/02 at Norfolk, wife already received her card on 12/7/02

Told IIO about wife receiving card not me ,though stamped same day, She had me on hold for a while to find about my case , later she came back and told that she cant find out any thing right now since system is down ,took my tel# so that she can call back when system is up.

IIO called me same afternoon to let me know that there was kind of error during dataentry and that has been fixed & send to card production as of 12/10/02 ..

Yesterday 12/11/02 , Online & AVM message changed to On December 10, 2002, Card has been ordered ...

At last made me beliver that there are some Really Good IIO...

Congrats feb140


Congrats.. May be you should post this as a new item.. It gives a hope and optimistic thought on IIO's...

Good Luck..