spoke to IIO 10:40 EST 08/08/2002

Ramesh Tendulkar

Registered Users (C)
I was told by one of them 4 weeks ago that I should expect something in a couple of days.

2 weeks back I was told to expect something very shortly.

And, now I am told that my file hasn't been reviewed yet, cos my RD = 10/11 ( which is not the case ) and they are working on 08/15/2001 cases.

My wife will have to go for FP again, her FP was received as unclassified (atleast this is what the IIO told me last week) . And this IIO couldn't tell if it was received OK or not. She said they will send a notice if they want another FP.

VSC sucks, these are a bunch of idiots working there.

I am going to call again this afternoon and will post in this same thread again. Life sucks without a GC.
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do not push the envelop

I understand your situation, man. Think about this: the IIO officers may not like what they are doing and if you push them too harsh, you may get the opposite. GC is not everything.

You will get your GC soon.
God blesh you.
Ramesh Tendulkar

Please be patient, (Easy for me to say)

It dosent matter if you call the AVM everyday

But everytime you call an IIO your call is logged, so my advise is please refrain, you dont want to make any IIO mad by making too many calls.
The 3rd time, did you speak to a woman named Pat? I have the same case RD 8/15 and ND 10/12, she said that they are working on 8/15 and mine is 10/12. She did not know the difference between the 2 dates and said she did not know how they were assigned. Call them again and you will get a different reply but if Pat answers, hang up.

I am sure...this IIO's know that they can say anything.....
There needs to be some kind of Quality Group over them to monitor their replies...

It is surprising to find out that the IIO does not know the diffference between 2 dates and how INS works...
IIOs are there to "DEAL" with enquirires

Yes, they (probably most of them) are there to DEAL/handle your calls, not to answer your enquiries! Anyone on this board can do a better job than them.

BTW, each of your calls may be logged, but just to show that they have DEALT WITH many enquiries with absolutely useless answers.
i will take you people's advice and refrain from calling today.

To whoever is interested:
I finally registered with Rupnet. I hate to open new accounts on the web and enter all details and choose passwords, and remember them etc.
But I must say, whoever is responsible, has done a great job with Rupnet. Well done.

My id at rupnet is: ramesht
and password is: .... well i think i already forgot ;-)

All of us knows what INS stands for

I = Idiots
N = Non-Intelligent
S = Stupids.

---- What can we expect from them???