speeding ticket


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[problem solved]speeding ticket, thanks!!

got speeding ticket this morning, been out of luck for 3 weeks, got three tickets total, one is in new jersey. Paid lots of money for this.
Was kind of rush for work, didn't really expect there was a cop. man... 23 miles more on 40 mile zone. Stupid..
I just checked online, I will get 6 points for this speeding ticket, I will take accident prevention course this weekend, therefore, they will reduce 4 points for me, hopefully my insurance won't increase crzly.
Will this effect my interview on Apirl?
really worried this will be on the record, i don't think i will tell my wife, she probly will kill me for stupid thing like this.

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mikew151 said:
You are fine. Speeding tickets will not affect your GC process.
thanks for you reply.
one more question, what about the D/L get suspended? will that be a factor or i am just worried too much?

thanks again
It shouldn't be a problem as long as you have a picture ID to show at the immigration office. I assume you still have a valid passport.

I had my DL suspended as well during my process it didn't affect me at all so you'll be alright. As long as they didn't arrest you or you didn't have any warrant for your arrest or involved in criminal acts, you'll be alright.

So don't worry too much.
On a lighter note...you should tell your wife. She will kill you and then crush you if she finds out by herself. Ladies on this forum...what do you think? :)
My 2 cents:

- You should tell your wife. While she may not be happy, she will understand. That is what marriage is all about: understanding and accepting! (dont meant to be Dr. Phill here :)

- Speeding tickets will not hurt your AOS. I got a ticket a while back, and I was told to make sure I have a certified receipt that I paid it. That is all.

Good luck!