special registration


Registered Users (C)
does anyone know anything about those that didn't goto special registration back in '02? does USCIS still care about it? thanks for the help.
U could be screwed..


Yes.... USCIS cares about special registration. Failure to register could create issues for your AOS process. You can bet your cat that USCIS will be curious to know why didn't register... You must have a very valid result why you didn't register... :confused:

I have read where people where caught with this dilemma, and ate crap from USCIS as they were forced to re-register years after they were suppose to register. However, you can't count on USCIS to give you a break... :(
so after going through AOS an receiving your GC, do you still need to go through Special Registration everytime you leave and enter back the US???
No...u don't have to

Pete023 said:
so after going through AOS an receiving your GC, do you still need to go through Special Registration everytime you leave and enter back the US???


No. You don't need to register once you have a greencard. Only when you are on a nonimmigrant visa, especially student visas. Otherwise, this will be racial profilling which isn't good for the image of the US.
U are going to be busted...

tough_book23 said:
they all say that AOS will be granted it just maybe takes a bit longer


You are going to be busted by USCIS. First of all, you disobeyed the law which the US govt enacted to augment immigration laws. So, when you refused to register, you were in violation of US laws. :confused:

As much as a greencard could be issued, don't rely on the possiblity that it will be issued. You could be in one of the DO which is very very strict... and you will have to provide a good explanation why you didn't register. :( Remember, you will be under oath, any lies will surely get your balls busted.

be aware of the high tensions regarding people of middle-eastern descent and those who follow Islam in this country. So, you deliberate need to evade the laws of the US, could come back to harm you... :eek:
lol u make it sound like dooms-day is coming hehe =); nah not worried, the only thing that would worry me is an illness in a loved one, we're healthy thats all that matters in the end, i guess me and my wife could always live in another country; but thanks anyways for the advice Al :)
tough_book23 said:
they all say that AOS will be granted it just maybe takes a bit longer


Your words indicate to me that you are not taking this seriously enough. In the majority of cases, the applicant is allowed to adjust status. But there are cases where people have been deported. There have also been MANY cases where people have been held in custody for a very long time until a decision was made ----- a friend of mine visited two such cases in custody in San Pedro not too long ago. I need not remind you what the conditions in San Pedro, like most holding facilities, are like.

You will need a VERY GOOD EXCUSE for why you did not register in 2002. Most cases discussed in the threads involve violations of a couple of days, maybe months. You are very late. Please note that you face a strong possibility of being held for an indefinite time.

I would recommend that an attorney accompany you to ICE for registration.
Laugh all u want... your ass belongs to ICE

tough_book23 said:
lol u make it sound like dooms-day is coming hehe =); nah not worried, the only thing that would worry me is an illness in a loved one, we're healthy thats all that matters in the end, i guess me and my wife could always live in another country; but thanks anyways for the advice Al :)


I am not going to waste my time on you anymore, because it appears as if you don't understand the magnitude of this situation. Moreover, since my advise is without any charge or fee, you will remember it when you are sitting in custody of ICE eating horse shit. :mad:

You should read, re-read the post by Piano again. You are more likely to be arrested for violating US immigration law. Remember that the US govt has the power to enforce all laws, without asking for a permission from you. As such, you clear disregard for these laws, I am afraid, is going to ensure that your balls are busted by ICE. :eek:

Laugh all you can, but the day you are locked up, you won't have this forum for a free advise, but an attorney who is going to charge you about $5000 to deal with your stupidity. ICE will wipe off that smirk of your face... :p

In this era where people of arab descent and islamic faith are equated to terrorists, you want to take chance? :confused: