SPAM: Where are BABAs when you need them

An ageless sentiment by Mary Stevenson......Maybe this will help goodsaint.

One night I dreamed I was walking
Along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that
During the low periods of my life when I was
Suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints,
So I said to the Lord, "You promised me,
Lord, that if I followed You,
You would walk with me always.
But I noticed that during the most trying periods
Of my life there have only been
One set of prints in the sand.
Why, When I have needed You most,
You have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
Is when I carried you."
80 Children! :( Just kids, apparently only 30 died because of the fire, but 50 died because of the stampede. I hope they hang the people who were supposed to ensure the building met fire standards!
It is the attitude of some people who think -

Human Life is cheap - if it is not mine
Human Life is precious - if it is mine

that has caused this disaster. Hope those people will get their dues.
I will bet you a dime to the dollar, that those kids who died were children of poor and destitue people not children of rich merchants, politicians or bureaucrats!
it can happen to anyone. nobody is safe because nobody follows safety standards. see how houses are build in India... no city planning, no building planning, inspection. Most small cities and rural areas do not even have fire fighters.

140_takes_4ever said:
I will bet you a dime to the dollar, that those kids who died were children of poor and destitue people not children of rich merchants, politicians or bureaucrats!
Naturally. Rich will afford better schools

But if no body wants to join Govt schools including poor, is there any solution feasible to offer education to all children?. People still send their kids to these schools because they are the only ones they can afford. Not just schools, most metro areas are dense. This could happen anywhere. It just happened to be that the lives lost are that of small kids.
goodsaint said:
it can happen to anyone. nobody is safe because nobody follows safety standards. see how houses are build in India... no city planning, no building planning, inspection. Most small cities and rural areas do not even have fire fighters.

Thats true, even if there are safety standards, who enforces it, IAS, Group 1 officers who want to make money :mad: Today its some body but tommorow it may be some body you know, dont know when it is going to change.
goodsaint said:
it can happen to anyone. nobody is safe because nobody follows safety standards. see how houses are build in India... no city planning, no building planning, inspection. Most small cities and rural areas do not even have fire fighters.

Fortunately (and unfortunately :eek: ) it does not happen to everybody. Rich people's kids don't to a school where everybody is cramped into one room and there is only one narrow door. Also teachers, guards, caretaker's attitude and sense of responsibility towards kids differ with the standard of schools. Sorry for too much generalization.
goodsaint said:

According to fools, nothing happens without the wish of something called "god". Including this ????

Have seen tragedies but nothing like this.

So you think that it is the Job of the God to keep track of which buildings
are not following fire safety standards or whose GC is still pending etc etc.
Blame the fools who think this way not the God. God is beyond all religions,
(Hindu, muslims, christions. jews) and experience of God is mostly at a personal, intuitive level.
justchecking please! This is a real sad topic, don't bring religous dogma into it. Please ignore the thread but don't fight on this one. I am very upset about this slaughter and I am sure other people discussing this case feel the same. :(


Rick people don't send their kids to study in schools where the roof is made of thatch! :( Plus as someone mentioned above, the rich countries/people put different values on lives. Look at WTC, the tribunal that distributed money, did so based upon how much the person could earn in a lifetime based upon a certain salary level, upto a maximum amount. Obviously rich people got more money than the poor. Even in death. But we digress from the sad sad topic. :(
well, if BABAs/God can track and help getting green cards (as per some people here) , how difficult it is for god to track building code enforcement. Isn't god supposed to know everything before it happens, how could someone, in his right mind, allow such a horrible tragedy to take place. Isn't everything that happens around us happens because god/devis/ajmeri baba/sai baba/sidri baba... want it happen..... lots of question, unfortunately no answer...

when you buy a new car and take it to temple first before taking it on the freeway.. pay the priest $21, break a coconut... what exactly you are trying to do or show ... isn't it stupidity? An educated person supposed to think rationally and logically. But, this doesn't happen and I strongly believe that this is why we are poor and backward.

justchecking said:
So you think that it is the Job of the God to keep track of which buildings
are not following fire safety standards or whose GC is still pending etc etc.
Blame the fools who think this way not the God. God is beyond all religions,
(Hindu, muslims, christions. jews) and experience of God is mostly at a personal, intuitive level.

I agree with your last sentense. But, this is not the realty.
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this goes back to the same problem -> population. I don't see any solution in near future. Most of the problem we face in India are due to over population.

by the way, just checked

"80 kids charred..." news is in small font and placed below "stupid cricket" news" in big font. this shows that "80 kids dead..." is not a big deal at all. Just a simple loss of life; cricket is more important...

I love my India.
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well if the media, continues to put it on bold fonts and play it until something concrete is achieved it would help but sadly the never happens, it is all a short span stuff.

a rahul's century or sehwag or sachin's century will be carried for ever so many days until the next century probably.

I strongly feel that media could play a better role than being sensationalistic or cater to a certain party or section of the population.
Don't want to underscore the tragedy.

However, just to put the thing in perspective I wanted to just write
a few things. I mean kids die everyday in India. And trust me lot of
them. Deaths are very common while going to school. In Mumbai
which happens to be a very big city lot of kids die every day. Lot
of kids die on the road as they walk to school. People don't follow
traffic rules. Truck drivers drive like crazy. Lot of kids die on rail
tracks. Kids fall from the trains. Now add to that kids dying because
of various diseases. And add to that also the number of kids dying
just because of hunger and poverty. And you will be surprised how
much that number adds up to all over India.

Its just because 80 kids died at the same time a very horrible death
that there is so much noise being made.

What about the children dying every day in various accidents because
somebody is not doing their job and nobody cares.