SPAM .. What if....


Registered Users (C)
Since this is a well known site, what if the BCIS officers are visiting this forum? What would be their reaction?
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If BCIS officers are visiting this thread .. I'd like to say ..

I don't really think they are interested in this site or any other immigration-related web site for that matter. Don't forget who those "officers" are - half-trained and rather stupid.
While talking to them my suspicions turned out to be true - they work like robots, so typical of that social level of people - they know how cases are adjudicated simply because they had to learn the appropriate part of BCIS manual by heart. Outside of that, they are probably not interested in much things.

6 years ago, while I was still in Croatia, there was a developers conference for Recital developers (don't worry what is Recital, it's not very popular). There was an American guy who prepared a nice presentation and who seemed to know everything about what he was presenting. A real Recital guru. Then we had an open discussion forum with him where we were able to ask various questions. It turned out that the guy was a walking Recital manual for pages 122 to 232. Ask him about "Input" (p. 176) - he knows all about it by heart. Ask him about "Print" (p. 233) - he knows nothing at all about it and avoids answers. That's a true story about how education works here.

Now this was a college-educated guy, rememeber - BCIS "officers" are not college graduates.
You are right ruxrux. They are indeed dumb. I called the NCSC to check my status and the IIO acted like a robot. Their sytem is so dumb that even after I provided my receipt number, he asked the location where I applied for my 485. I had to tell him it was Laguna Niguel. He said that it was not 16 months up yet and that I should have patience and I should receive my approval in 45 days.
What, in 45 days it'd be 16 months?
Har-har! Is it the "45 days" story now instead of two weeks?

Well lets not forget this guys, it doesn't matter how dumb and stupid these guys are, but they have INS power. They can make our files disappeared... just a thought...
Absolutely, they can do whatever they want. I mean, it's not that they _could_ but they _did_ make some files disappear. Shredding business.

We are going to continue to be citizens of the second order until the GC is in our hands. That's a fact.
But then, think of it this way: most of us always have an alternative to go back home, something that citizens of the first order do not have.
Yeah, we can always go back... but if we really wanted to go back, would we all be so worried abt GC? Naw, don't think so.
Hey there are two things you forget here:
1. Cost Vs Benifit - If the cost of getting the GC is a hell of a lot more than the benifits then even after getting the GC we would go back.
2. In case we go the whole hog, after getting citizenships, you think we can forgive/forget INS? No way! That is where good will counts!