Spam:Just relax:Will this happen any where in this world

why belittle indians

This happens every where in the world. May be the presentation (Vanakam, Namaskar Vs Shaking hands). But the end result is the same.

Bristish prime minister is a mouth piece of American president.
Intelligent report will be 9(not are) tailor made to suite presidents desire.
Indian politicians take bribe here they call it fundraising.
Pharmaceutical companies paid millions of dollars for President Bush election and the impact is on soring Health Insurance costs
List goes on and on

Relax .

what u said is correct, but in us the fundraising is accountable and Indian politicians take bribes which no one can question.
And FYI... India is the second ranking country for corruption :D:D:D

Politicians in our country will eat shit for money!!:D