SPAM :Employment options for 55 yr old person


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Hello ,

My query is as follows , I would appreciate your insight in this matter :

I am 55 years old . I am a chemical engineer from IIT with vast experience .
I was wondering what are my options , if I want to work in US.

Can I obtain a H1 , if I get a employer who is interested in hiring .

Or something like L1 will be better option

Right now , I am here on Tourist visa for a month or so .

Please let me know your valuable thoughts on this matter or any other suggestions.

Thanks a lot
There are no age restrictions in employment-based visas or immigration laws. If you can find US employer, you are in.
Looks like no more new H1 visa's will be issued this year, so if you want to work it will have be L1/J1, but the rules for those are very different from H1 and come with their own restrictions.

Sure you can get employment, it might not be comensurate with your experience and education, but I am sure companies will be more than happy to have some one with your background working for them.

Good luck with your quest, having an EAD will go a long way towards helping you get a job!