Spam:Can't I go on vacation? No...FBI

Last year, I was stopped from boarding a flight on Fri evening by FBI agents. Apparently, they had report's of 'unusual activity', specifically people changing seats on the monday's flight.
I found this absurd since I had never budged from my seat. Moreover, I was in the business class which is a tiny area of six seats and I never noticed anyone switching seats either.
I missed my flight while they asked detailed questions.
Then it turned out they were as puzzled as I was since I was obviously no threat to anyone... They finally decided it was probably a typo in the report which messed up the date or flight. (One agent hinted this).
However, the agents were very polite. The apologized profusely for the inconvinience and even talked to the airlines themselves to help me get a priority seating on the next flight back home.
I travel every week and I have never been bothered again.
While I was being questioned, I was of course, hugely embarassed and slightly resentful of being singled out. On further reflection, however, I changed my opinion. First of all, the agents never 'pick' on you just because they are bored. They receive a report before they do that. So if you have to blame anyone, blame the do-gooders with hyperactive imaginations who see suspicious activity in the most mundane actions. The agents are simply doing their job. Second, the FBI was exceptionally polite with me, especially when compared with similar agencies of most countries. (OK, at least from my home country). Third, most important, I fly every week. My life depends on these guys doing their job. If they had not questioned me in detail, I would have liked it for like 10 mins, but then I would probalbly have preferred to drive the next week onwards! Just my opinion.
What a freaking waste of time this thread is....

I was also woken up by two FBI agents early one morning.
But they were looking for someone who had stayed in my
apartment earlier. I didn't know a thing about that guy and
they went away. Needless to say I did not renew the lease
for that apartment.

I was in a bad habit of forgetting to dial 011 before dialling
India's country code. Then I would realize my mistake when I
dialed 91 the country code for India. Being stupid I would quickly
hang up, only to be called by 911. Even after explaining the
whole thing to them they would usually send a unhappy officer
to my apartment to check things out. This happenned exactly
five times. All the different officers were very polite and they
always wanted to check with my wife to see if she was right.
Finally my wife told me that if I did this stupid thing one more
time she would complain of domestic violence to the next officer
that showed up. I also argued successfully with a traffic cop
to let me go. Damn cop thought I did not stop at the stop
light. So the police and FBI here seem to be pretty
professional and reasonable.

I am not saying that Americans don't cause problems and act stupid.
I see plenty of white trash too. And r you companring Indians with....umm..
But Indian community here in US is different. We are all well educated
and it seem to me that some things are just plain common sense. Like
take your kid out when he/she makes noise in the movie theater.
Mostly I look at the desis in bay area and they come across as really
cool people. Just wish I could say that about every desi from my land.
Ah! But some people never change.
I was all but stopped flying out of Newark. I was flying Lufthansa from Newark in Nov 2002. 9/11 was still fresh on everybody's mind. Anything that even remotely resemled a sharp object was a no-no in cabin baggage. But what would you think a 14" statue of liberty in your cabin baggage? My cabin baggage was quickly pulled aside for checking. And the guy found the statue and started turning it around, pressing the torch, as if the torch would vanish somehow and he could get on with his job. Nothing of the sort happened and he was in a dillema. He just set that status aside and wandered deeper into the cabin baggage and could come up with nothing sharper! Just as he was about to conclude it is harmless baggage after all, his eyes fell on a photo album that was at the very top. I froze. He flipped it open and it had the snap of the fallen WTC. His expression changed. He eyed the statue again suspiciously and looked at me again. The cycle continued for a while and he started flipping the photo album. More photos of the fallen WTC; from all possible angles. I thought I was really done and was preparing for the worst when he asked where do you work. I told him. World Finance Center. I dont know what happened he suddenly closed the album, put the statue back and said "have nice flight".

Coudnt believe that I an inside the flight till it took off. :D
Numerous times after 9/11 I flew with a wine bottle cork opener in my cabin
luggage. It was always taken out. The person would carefully
look at this really sharp pointed twisted thing of metal and put it back.

Never had any problems with it.

But I heard some amazing story of a desi priest who manage to take
a knife aboard a flight. And on the flight he started cutting up some
fruit on the flight in full view of the cabin crew. Needless to say that
they asked him to surrender the knife to which this clever desi priest
refused. Ofcourse then when the plane landed he was arrested and
taken in handcuffs. Did anybody hear of this story? Dunno if this story
is true or not. But you know what I mean by using common sense