SPAM: 500,000 green cards for farm workers


Registered Users (C)
Proposal would legalize farm workers

To qualify for temporary legal status, lawmakers said, workers would have to prove 100 days of agricultural employment in the 18-month period that ended Aug. 31 and meet certain other conditions. Then, to obtain a "green card," which signifies permanent residence in the United States, they would have to show 360 days of additional farm work over six years.
i wonder what's next?

first it was driving licenses for illegal legalize farm workers....i wonder what's next? :( :mad:
Maybe this?

U.S. Issued 20,000 Immigrant Visas to Cubans in FY 2003

* Under the auspices of the Migration Accords with Cuba, the United States issued more than 20,000 immigrant visas to Cuban nationals in Fiscal Year 2003, according to a September 22 press statement issued by the State Department. However, it is one thing that a visa is issued by the U.S. and it is the other whether the Cuban government will issue the exit permit.

Re: i wonder what's next?

Originally posted by krishnakt
first it was driving licenses for illegal legalize farm workers....i wonder what's next? :( :mad:
Of course, EB I-485 !!
We should get our green cards soon.
Lets say they decide to process all these cases on priority
bases before all employment based cases......

With 2000 cases per month this will take about 250 months.

That means I will get my green card after 20 years. Meanwhile
I continue to rot.

...guys and girls, this is not the first time this has happened, illegals regularily get legalised and many of then have worked here for years and years and deserve it.

Those people have been treated much worse than most in my humble opinion.

The issue here is that 485's should be processed in a timely manner for the economic best interests of the US and because those on this forum have contributed so much to the US economy in brainpower and taxes that you deserve to have your cases handled in a timely manner. Dont get into a blame game on other vulnerable groups just becasue the BCIS sucks.

It encourages illegal immigration though, while the rest of us spend $$$ and time to do it right.
farmer...cubans...illegal workers..(opps religious workers)

I think BCIS people are giving priority (or maybe sponsoring) to their own relatives than us...:D :D :D
Will they consider lawn work as Farm work???? In such situation some of EB based applicants might qualify for this new category!!!!!!
:D :D :D
lawnwork will qualify as farm what if our farm is smaller in size....

Originally posted by Edison
Will they consider lawn work as Farm work???? In such situation some of EB based applicants might qualify for this new category!!!!!!
:D :D :D
Originally posted by ECGC
You still have to be an "illegal" lawn worker to benefit from the law!!!:D

We will be considered as "illegal" lawn workers as our H1 is not for lawn work :cool:
as a matter of fact whats the difference...i kinda feel illegal alien :D :D already in this world....

Originally posted by rk4gc
We will be considered as "illegal" lawn workers as our H1 is not for lawn work :cool:
the buggers!

The BCIS defintely deserves to be screwed with some kind of class action suit...this is crazy!!!

Y bother to stay legal out here any more???? unbelievable...
It is not BCIS that decides to make illegal immigrants legal or grant amnesty. It is done by Congress! They do it for a very specific reason and that is for the vote bank!

But if you are interested in doing more wrt the class action lawsuit you might want to ping Niladri on how you can help!