(SOS) please help on questions about I-485


Registered Users (C)
1. I didn\'t have the Birth Certificate when I was born over 30 years ago.
    I have got one but the certificate was dated in 2001, is it ok? Will Ins question why it is not dated as of 30 years ago?

   2. In my small state, no certified doctor for medical examination, I suppose I have to do in another state, is it ok?

   3. Concerned about future address change, can I use a friend\'s address in a state that belong to a different INS service center?

   thanks for your help!
Birt Cert

1. ...there is no problem as long as the record shows that you were born on such a date....

2. INS shows a list of doctors whom you can have medical exams with...as long as you do it with them..it should be ok

3. i am not sure....

Experts....any suggestions or experience on 3...
the mailing address should somehow be reasonable

e.g. commuting to work address is managable. If you have moved after you filed i-485, you can use a friend\'s addr which is less suspicious.