Sonia or Atal



BTW, have u given a thought to doing lyrics writing?

U bloody even write text in verse:D :D
Guys keep the discussion going, you guys have brought up some very good and capable names for PM's post and also some changes to the Indian political system so that President or PM is free to choose people who can deliver and fire the ones who don't. We should elect the most capable people we have got and then give them some time to govern without political distraction.Encourage and force them to deliver.
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I appreciate that u don't mind laughing at urself. That's a good spirit shown by u and SVSS.

:D :p :p
I wonder what the hell dma_va and july 16 think abt themself.
tell me are you 12+3+comp courses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you would have been lost in india with this kind of education.
morons thanks again for bending infront of me.
but it
----------------------------desi485 the man of the universe
OK Seriously

Well ,

This site is meant for imimigration immigration and immigration discussion only .So many of us visit this site for daily updates and expressing our anxiety on the processing of various stages of GC and it is not fair to disappoint them with this kind of useless shit .

All of the visitors have some sort of issue and they come here to look for some direction to have some peace of mind during htese turbulent times

I sincerely request Rajiv Khanna(web master) on behalf of straight talking guys to make sure such threads are deleted as and when they begin to make the site worth visiting .

and to all those morons who still dont get it : Shut the **** up if u dont have anything to talk.There are better forums and places to prove your writing and uselss IQ skills
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If this board had only immigration based posts 80% of the users would have dissappeared by now.

DMA and jul1y16 were approved long back but are still here helping/giving hope to others.

If you were so practical in your thinking you shouldnt have opened this thread. ;)

Thanks for putting it so succintly.

As for SVSS' grouse about being off-topic, he is not entirely unjustified considering the frustration GC wait pushes into everybody's soul.

Now, not taking SVSS's mail personally, I have to say that, if u look at my replies, I step in a discussion when someone tries to drag a thread along absurd and illogical lines. I refrain from using foul language but use other better printable words to convey my thoughts more effectively. Unless I pay such guys back in their coins, they won't stop from blaming a whole nation or people thru their lopsided ideas and attitudes.

I take this forum as an opportunity to share views which r helpful for we all immigrants in one way or the other. Seemingly, these topics may not be showing a "direct GC Wait relevance", but they r topical in so far an immigrant's life is concerned.

DId you realize you always get involve in Discussion good or bad .. Did you ever concidered not to write on each and every thread . I think you need a long vacation from this Portal..

to me it looks like you are adicted to this Portal and adiction is not good for health.

give it a thaught.
For Dma_va


You got me wrong. Sorry ass, I am not laughing at myself. There are many dudes in this thread who deserve this. One COULD be you.

Do not mean to offend you though. We both are in VA. :)

It won't make any difference whether we would have Atal, Sheshan, Jaswant, Arun Shourie, Jaitely, Mahajan, Army chiefs etc etc as our President or PM. It is something with Indian people that we start fighting on anything, every discussion and idea goes in vein whithin no time. Everything and anything becomes so personal and so quickly. Things get hot very easily. Same thing happens in our parliament and that is why we are where we are today. Afterall citizen of the country go to Parliament. So why blame anyone for that matter ? Not preching any one just a thught came to mind.
I completely agree with GREEN_LOVE.
People like dma_va and july 16, they think that only they have real thoughts on any damn topic, they will always come with their stupid comment(not always stupid though).
they both need a break.

Originally posted by DESI485
I completely agree with GREEN_LOVE.
People like dma_va and july 16, they think that only they have real thoughts on any damn topic, they will always come with their stupid comment(not always stupid though).
they both need a break.


You have so much Venom
You have so much Hatred
You have so much Rudeness
You have so much Arrogance
You have so Much Abuses to offer
You have so much Anger
You have so much Dirty Words to use
You have so much Pain to inflict

I am Begining to Wonder WHY??

Did you have a Un Happy Childhood
Did you get Molested (Bend over, Bend over, Bend over.....)
Did you have step Parents/Siblings
Did you get beat up every day at school
Did you have No friends
Did you have to Endure Bad Neighbours
Did you get Called Names by others
Did you ever have a Inferiority Complex
Did you wish you were never Born
Did you wish you could Crawl under a Rock and Die
Did you ever depend on Alcohol/Drugs

If you answered yes to any of the 11 questions above, then you are justified, and my sympathies are with you.

But if none of them applies to you, and you still have the above mentioned 8 traits.

I can confidently Surmise, that you are not from the Mammal Species called Homosapiens.

Originally posted by DESI485
I completely agree with GREEN_LOVE.
People like dma_va and july 16, they think that only they have real thoughts on any damn topic, they will always come with their stupid comment(not always stupid though).
they both need a break.


You have so much Venom
You have so much Hatred
You have so much Rudeness
You have so much Arrogance
You have so Much Abuses to offer
You have so much Anger
You have so much Dirty Words to use
You have so much Pain to inflict

I am Begining to Wonder WHY??

Did you have a Un Happy Childhood
Did you get Molested (Bend over, Bend over, Bend over.....)
Did you have step Parents/Siblings
Did you get beat up every day at school
Did you have No friends
Did you have to Endure Bad Neighbours
Did you get Called Names by others
Did you ever have a Inferiority Complex
Did you wish you were never Born
Did you wish you could Crawl under a Rock and Die
Did you ever depend on Alcohol/Drugs

If you answered yes to any of the 11 questions above, then you are justified, and my sympathies are with you.

But if none of them applies to you, and you still have the above mentioned 8 traits.

I can confidently Surmise, that you are not from the Mammal Species called Homosapiens.