SonaFight - suspicion


Registered Users (C)

I read few posts/replies by SonaFight, and I feel something fishy about his/her/its replies. Do you smell something?

Is our old friend returning?
Good morning, Applepie :)

There is nothing fishy here. It only smells. I smell good on a Channel 5 today.

Bye, bye :)

Your Young S

ppk_walther said:

I read few posts/replies by SonaFight, and I feel something fishy about his/her/its replies. Do you smell something?

Is our old friend returning?
ppk_walther said:

I read few posts/replies by SonaFight, and I feel something fishy about his/her/its replies. Do you smell something?

Is our old friend returning?

who is the old friend?
ppk_walther said:

I read few posts/replies by SonaFight, and I feel something fishy about his/her/its replies. Do you smell something?

Is our old friend returning?
:D :D :D :D
Good catch, you should be a detective. Actually it does not smell fishy, it smells kutta-billi.
kutta-billi --> CatDog

ufo2002 said:
Is kutta-billi Indian word for b1tch?

kutta - (pronounced as kut-ta with soft t) Hindi/Urdu for Dog
billi - (pronounced as bill-lee) Hindi/Urdu for Cat

kutta-billi --> CatDog
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I think it's not kutia-billi but somebody inspired inspired by catdog to join the zoo. My guess is that it's anohter male with intellect heavily influenced by reading of Hustler magazine and the like.
Oh, Gravitation...

You are partially correct. Your argument is backed by an incredible sense of observation in order to figure out I have no business with "CatDog". I have no idea who that is. Regarding the gender, read between the lines to find out ? I know you can.

All I want is to be accepted into this warm forum. I was told by many that this is by far the most influential immigration forum in the country - and probably in the world ? No doubt the best minds gather in this forum. In addition, I imagine it is full of smart male Indians - and other foreigners as well - and I want to exchange information with them.

Will you promise that you will open your heart and give me a big welcome hug ? Tell me you all will accept me. Please e-mail me or PM me if you want to. All lines are open.


Your Young S

gravitation said:
I think it's not kutia-billi but somebody inspired inspired by catdog to join the zoo. My guess is that it's anohter male with intellect heavily influenced by reading of Hustler magazine and the like.
Sona Shah,

first time in my life I am ashamed of being a gujarati - I hope my son doesnt get someone like you...

I wish you all the best in life...

No, no, PPK_WALTHER_9mm


Are you a 9mm or 7.65mm ? Are you the 007 of my life ? How many shots can you actually fire in one session with your lovely PPK Walther ? You never wanted something bigger ? Personally I like men with Rugers Superblackhawk .44 Magnum... Oh, got it ?

I wrote a message to Mr. Catdog and I asked him to clarify that I am no Catdog. Will you please stop disseminating wrong information ? ;)

PPK_WALTHER, you are funny too.


Your lovely S

ppk_walther said:
I think this is new form of CATDOG.
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rani004 said:
Sona Shah,

first time in my life I am ashamed of being a gujarati - I hope my son doesnt get someone like you...

I wish you all the best in life...



You are confused. Sona Shah is a different person. SonaFight aka CatDog is a troll.