Something Serious. Please help

prasant natwar

Registered Users (C)
One of my friend\'s husband got his I485 approved in October. But my friend\'s I485 yet to be approved. INS told that her file got seperated somehow. She has contacted INS 3 times and everytime they told her contact after 3/4 weeks. Till today its not approved.

Now the worst thing. As she is not getting along with her husband, she might get divorced. She has a Kid.

IS there anyway she can get her I485 approved quickly. She came here as dependent. So there shouldn\'t be any reason to deny her I485
approval. If she can get I485 approved then she can stay here and pick up some job. Otherwise she has to go back to India.

So somebody please help.
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One of the options she can try is contacting the Senator\'s office and have them help her. It has worked in quite a few cases I have known...

Best of luck
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she does not want to get along with him (what ever the reason may be) but she does want his GC and probably his money also, so typical
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nervous, I think you made wrong conclusion about her. She is NOT like typical girl you have seen in your life. Anyway unmarried people like you won\'t understand the problem.
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prasant natwar: First of all I\'m married. Secondly I have a piece of advice for you. Please do not post private information about people on this. I know you want to help out your friend but to post private information about their lives is "invasion of privacy". And dont act as if you are responsible for the whole world.

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   First I would like to point out my views and it is upto your friend to consider or not. Based on your posting it looks to me that your friend is from India and I hope she is married to an Indian citizen. Whether you come from North or South OR East or West part of India, the concept of marriage in India is totally a different concept from the rest of the world. Whether it\'s an arranged marriage or not,your friend or her husband\'s family will not accept or go towards the separation between them. I would first suggest your friend to make a trip to India with her husband and kid and I am sure her and her husband\'s family should be able to resolve the differences between them. I wish her the best and hope everything works fine for her. Whether the world accepts India as one of the leading developing country or not they all admire our concept of family and the marriage. I hope your friend and her family will keep that hope alive which all of us do already.
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   One more thing that I forgot to mention. Her life is much more important than her Green Card. She should concentrate more on getting things right for her, her kid and her husband rather than worrying about her GC at this point of time.
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If she gets her GC and husband does not get his GC will you say the same to him, or do you think he would listen to what your say(put yourself in that situation). So basically your speach seems to be male chauvnist here. Please try to respect all genders equally, this is where most problem arises within family which ends in separation.
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the gender equality thing is good but it used by women and the law to suit them both ways i.e. they want to have their cake and eat it too.
If the GC was filed on his credentials, then how come her self pride tells her he is not good enough for her, but she will take his GC and money anyway. Why does she want to that mark with her that all her future, was really his effort.
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Stop it, you guys this is enough if you can not give honest opinion then don\'t give one. Keep your ideas to your self and don\'t post it here to discourage others. By your posting you are showing your inner instincts so look and read twice before you post.

As regards the situation Prashant natwar please note that she still can her GC unde the new law for battred spouse. Kindly look on to the site of attorney Cyrus Mehta and have her email Cyrus Mehta at and she will get free advise.

Hope this will help her in overcoming her problem.
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I respect your question. It works with me to do what I wanted. But I feel it is the responsibility of her husband to make sure she could stand on her "own feet" after divorce. It is humanity since she has the additional responsibility of taking care of his children and I don\'t think you will negate to this.

Other than that if she tries to get his money in due coarse, then I stand by him. I meant equality in the sense to make sure each one can be independent and one helps other to be so. If you say it is not our responsibility, then let us take that extra step.

I can see people saying these are not the type of discussion of this board. But it doesn\'t hurt to know the facts and discuss right things. I feel most people in this board are good/genuine and family person who can understand this.
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well, no more from me. Anyway thanks for the right information to question after AOS waiter. This would definitely help natwar and any other in this sort of situation.
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It is funny that 485 board is turnig into marraige counselling. Please stop irrelevant discussion on somebody\'s private life.
They should see the attorney.
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I post this message as it was related to AOS. But I guess I made a wrong decesion. However I got some good advice from this discussion. Thanks to good fellas. I will pass it to her.

To nervous,
I didn\'t disclose anybody\'s privacy as I didn\'t mention the name or any other detail which could identify them. Moreober I am not trying to solve world\'s problem. I am just trying to help her. You just can\'t sit inside the 4 walls all the time. You need to help your friend if they really need.

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Well I tried to keep away but I can\'t after looking at all this....
Here are my suggestions

1] Try to work out a solution it is good for everybody specially your kids...if not...

2]Seek an experts opinion like marraige councellor or state family help line

3] Like DesiAmerican said sought immigration attorneys opinion and try to find out your leagal options.

4] Try calling INS and speak to supervisor...never know you can get help ( See Dipika\'s case on this borad)

To All the friends thanks for giving VALUABLE ADVISE

Pray to God
