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some questions


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hi people,

i just received my NL yesterday, its dated 18 may it took a while to come here (morocco). i have some questions and i hope to get some answers plz.

1- is work experience really necessary ? im 20 years old and i have highschool diploma, i still do some other studies..

2- my case number is like 2007AF00xxxxxx, is it good or bad ? i mean, do i have high or low chances ? (sorry for this question :eek: )

3- today is 7 juin, supposing i send all forms tomorrow, it will certainly take a couple of days to reach KCC and for other days for gettting the answer (i hope so ^^) in all i guess it will take a mounth, is it correct or should i proceed with some kind of express delivery? in general how long does it take ?

4- its said that i have to send forms : DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2, + the photo. thats all ? do i have to include the barcode too ? and do i have to send original forms or a copy ?

5- In DS-230 Part 1, question 10: "Permanent adress in united states where you intend to live, if know (street adress including zip code). include the name of a person who currently lives there.". what if i dont know any adress ? the same about question 11.

i think thats all for the moment, other questions coming soon :p thanks in advance :)
hellboy69 said:
4- its said that i have to send forms : DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2, + the photo. thats all ? do i have to include the barcode too ? and do i have to send original forms or a copy ?

In my understanding, you need to fill out and send forms DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2 with a passport size photo. And yes, you should send the page with barcode as well. You must send original copy to KCC and you keep a copy of everything for your own record.
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kanta80 said:
In my understanding, you just need to fill out and send forms DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2. You do not need to send any photo at this point of time (anyone who has already done it, correct me if I'm wrong). And yes, you should send the page with barcode as well. You must send original copy to KCC and you keep a copy of everything for your own record.

you just need to fill out and send forms DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2 AND A PHOTO.
hellboy69 said:
hi people,

i just received my NL yesterday, its dated 18 may it took a while to come here (morocco). i have some questions and i hope to get some answers plz.

hellboy69 said:
1- is work experience really necessary ? im 20 years old and i have highschool diploma, i still do some other studies..
Based on the criteria work experience is essential.

hellboy69 said:
2- my case number is like 2007AF00xxxxxx, is it good or bad ? i mean, do i have high or low chances ? (sorry for this question :eek: )
You need to be a little bit more specific about your case number. Hide only the last 3 digits. No one can help based on the number you supplied.

hellboy69 said:
4- its said that i have to send forms : DSP-122, DS-230 Part 1 and DS-230 Part 2, + the photo. thats all ? do i have to include the barcode too ? and do i have to send original forms or a copy ?
Yes. You need to include the barcode page and a photo. Send the original forms.

hellboy69 said:
5- In DS-230 Part 1, question 10: "Permanent adress in united states where you intend to live, if know (street adress including zip code). include the name of a person who currently lives there.". what if i dont know any adress ? the same about question 11.
You have to find an address. The Green Card is mailed only inside the US.
thank u guys for answers :)

there's one question remaining (the third one ) ^^, can be helpful to know how long it takes..

well, i can get an adress (about my question No 5) of a friend for example, but im not sure if i'll live there for long time. so what if i give adress, and i dont go live there ? :s
hellboy69 said:
thank u guys for answers :)

there's one question remaining (the third one ) ^^, can be helpful to know how long it takes..

well, i can get an adress (about my question No 5) of a friend for example, but im not sure if i'll live there for long time. so what if i give adress, and i dont go live there ? :s
They need to know where to send your green card. If you give your friend's address, that's where your green card would be sent, whether you live there or not. Of course, you can also change your address with the immigration when you move.