Some Movement on my case


Registered Users (C)
Just read the message on the online status check screen that my case has been transferred to another INS office to schedule an interview.
I have mixed feelings about this development.

My RD is 12/28/01

Guys, just wondering ...what happens if one fails to clear the interview...... being a pessimist that I am, I had to ask this question

Well .. hope that you will get your interview scheduled very soon!
What you can do now is prepare all documents (immigration papers, paystubs/copies of tax returns, an employment letter, proof of residence, etc).
Originally posted by greenerdreams
Just read the message on the online status check screen that my case has been transferred to another INS office to schedule an interview.
I have mixed feelings about this development.

My RD is 12/28/01

Guys, just wondering ...what happens if one fails to clear the interview...... being a pessimist that I am, I had to ask this question


Never heard of anyone failing in an interview except if it had to be job related.:)
Relax and you will get there eventually. Actually transferred cases get cleared faster in some cities. If your case is complex, you can take a lawyer with you. If you think the IIO is digging u with questions during interview, remember the miranda rule "you have the right to remain silent" and ask the officer to talk with ur lawyer.:)
You don't have to worry about anything and as someone pointed out start preparing all the possible documents.
Fantastic News

It is great to see a case from 12/28 being looked at. And I think it is a good thing to have your case trsfrd. so it can be cleared quicker.... probably removes some of the case load from INS center.

Can you tell me if this emp. based application..
great news for Dec RD filers

great news for Dec RD filers
There is activity for dec rds. atleast 2 cases that i know of with 19th dec rd,eac02076 have been transfered on feb 21st.this means that INS has started looking at dec cases.



Last edited by mankap on 23rd February 2003 at 07:05 PM