Some forward looking activity

Guys - lets keep off religion

We have had a good opportunity to discuss issues which are of concern to all of us on this forum.
Let's keep it that way. I do not give much of a thought when participating in a forum about the poster's religion, but I see people like vivekm, patiencegc, dma_va try and bring in religion when insulting an individual person.
Believe me it is not too difficult to pick any religion apart if that's your intention …
Dear Jibran,

Speaking for myself, I need and challenge u to show me a single proof on this forum wherein I have dragged in religion while "insulting" a person (Habibi, for example). If u cannot do that, retract ur statement.

Secondly, I am not insulting people like Habibi. I am just responding to the filth coming out of her all the time. If you have an intellect to understand Habibi's mails and the hidden import therein, u would know how sarcastic and insulting she is for a whole nation and its people.

As for urself, u just can't exhibit urself as being all nice and neat because u can't retaliate to such baseless trash of Habibi et al.

My sixth sense generally works very good and I can read b/w the lines very well for people with poor intentions about others (with no substantaition for the same).

I don't consider people like Habibi etc. belonging to any religion (leave aside talking about pluses and minuses of any religion). Such people have no moral standing.

BTW, I have all the right in this world to call Mughals (those who plundered India and looted it, beginning from bloody Babar to the asshole Aurangjeb) bastards. They r indeed nothing less than that.




Yes I am a Mughal and I take exception to you calling my ancestors bastards. You might have learnt your history from the saffron brigade, but my history of the Mughals is different. There were moderate mughal rulers like Akbar and also extreme rulers like Aurangazeb. You can convinently pick and choose what you want from history. I can’t.
I have people in my family who have served in the army and have proved their patriotism to the country they were born in.
If ancient history is of so much interest to you then the Aryans themselves are not native to India, they came from regions further north. Only the dravidians can claim to be the real native sons…your so called lower caste dark complexioned folks
Guys lets be reasonable

Let go off this relegious issue. Arguing about History thats a few hunderd or a few thousand years is not going to help anyone.

Jibran and dma_va you are both regular posters here lets keep this site, a useful source of information, about Immigration issues, lets not make it ugly with accusations and counter accusations.

On a lighter note:
Whoever said these messages were not immigration related ARE PROVED WRONG. Jibran's last message is detailing the history of immigration of Aryans into North India. (Thank god they didn't need Green Cards those days or visa stamps)

BTW NIce try for raising issue of south indians and north indians , castes etc again Mr. Jibran .

But let me say this to you: No Thank You. We are all indians and please don't start this north south thing again.

WE are on a land (USA) where society is based upon opportunity ( yes we all are opportunistic :)) but still keep fighting for motherland, religion, language etc. What a waste. Lets try to find next opportunity instead !

U still didn't give me an example of my bringing-in religion in any of my postings.

Didn't I say my sixth sense works good. I'll reply one by one to your statements.......

"Yes I am a Mughal and I take exception to you calling my ancestors bastards. "

I called only those Mughals bastards who came to India for looting, plundering, religion conversions, creating harems (Akbar is a prime example of that and not an extreme of other "ruler" like Aurangjeb) etc.
I give two hoots to any other Mughal (if u r referring to any) who might be in their own country (Afghanistan and beyond) and didn't come attacking here.
"You might have learnt your history from the saffron brigade, but my history of the Mughals is different. "

Unforunately, now I realize that the history I learned in school was the tempered one created by people "historians" like Romila Thapar.
It was only when I read highly detailed essays of Arun Shourie that I got to learn the reality of things. As of today, not a single person (leave aside any historian) has been able to refute a single word that Arun Shourie has written. Now, don't ask me who Arun Shourie is.

"There were moderate mughal rulers like Akbar and also extreme rulers like Aurangazeb. You can convinently pick and choose what you want from history. I can’t. "

I won't say anything about Aurangjeb. Romilla Thapar etc. tried to help his cause too!!!!! But talking of Akbar, do u call him moderate. He was the biggest harem keeper of all the bastards that allegedly ruled. I think that's how the term Haramjada also came into existence. I am not sure about that.

Jajia was the name given to farmers' torturous Laggan collection so that he could get the ice from Himalayas

Bastard Shahjahan chooped the hands of poor masons who created Taj Mahal. People say he made it in memory of Noorjahan. The fact is, she forced him to do something for her so that she will be given to understand as the choosen one among all the girls in his Harem.

"I have people in my family who have served in the army and have proved their patriotism to the country they were born in. "

I am not questioning anybody who is patriotic to the country they are from . The guy July16 is a good example on this forum. One has to be patriotic to the country one is born in. There is nothing to sing paeans about that.
If ancient history is of so much interest to you then the Aryans themselves are not native to India, they came from regions further north. Only the dravidians can claim to be the real native sons…your so called lower caste dark complexioned folks

Civilizations thru out the history are known to be nomadic and always on the move. Aryans didn't loot, rape and plunder here. They brought their civilizations with them.
It's not a question of being a native or not, if u can understand a bit. It's a question of attitude. Bastard Mughals came here with the attitude that everybody out of their "tribe" is an infidel and needs to be raped, looted and converted.
For ur dumb mind...........

USA is a land of migrants too and very recent at that.

I have nothing against u. But don't dare to justify to me anything about Mughals.
Rape and plunder on a general basis. Then I guess your great grandmother was raped by my forefather - and guess the term "Haramzada" applies to long lost cousin.
I wanted to keep this civil but if you want to be an asshole i will treat you like one...
I mentioned in the beginning of my replies that u might not be referring to the Mughals who were invaders. But u said otherwise now. So u said that u r also part of those invaders (without me saying that).

Now when did I say that ur grandfather or u were born out of those harems. All I said was these so called moderate rulers (Akbar, as u said) were in the habit of keeping harems. It is not essential that u or ur grandfather were one of those. Infact. u might be one of the converts who were so forced by these bastards..

All I am trying to say is the invading Mughals were bastards and I can't go back on that.

Out of my replies u choosed only the ones which u thought I am pointing at u. I never did or intend to even now.

If u want to argue on a civilized basis, argue on a point to point basis.

None of the these kinds of threads, wherein I have participated, I ever mentioned about religious bigoty etc. I am only trying to counter the baseless allegations of Habibi etc. It's just a coincidence that Habibi happens to be from a certain religion. If it were anybody else from same religion as myself, I'd have countered that person too with similar ferocity.

I have nothing at all against any religion. I'm only asking some folks to either stick to topic of this forum (immigration) or else I'll retaliate with unbearable force to illogical statements.
Well...I guess to each their own version of history. Distorted or otherwise. If the Mughals did in fact convert people by the sword for over 200 years and their empire extended all over present India - how is it that Muslims remained a minority even before partition happened.
How is it that the oh-so-bad Akber had his court favorites in Birbal and Tansen. Why did he proclaim a new religion, deen-e-elahi if he was so interested in promoting Islam. Why did seven generations of Mughals build forts, libraries, hospitals monuments here when their intentions were just to loot and plunder. Go figure....or maybe you can ask Arun Shouri or Varsha Bhonsle or Rithambari Devi they just might know.
I know I will not make you see my point or me yours. The attempt is to convey that nothing is in black or white, nor are all members of a race, lineage, religion commonly good or bad.
My replies......

"Well...I guess to each their own version of history. Distorted or otherwise. If the Mughals did in fact convert people by the sword for over 200 years and their empire extended all over present India - how is it that Muslims remained a minority even before partition happened. "

When did anybody say that they could convert everybody? BTW, let me historically correct u. Mughals didn't cover entire India. South India (barring Tipu Sultan in Karnatka and Andhra Pradesh), the whole Eastern/Western India) were out of their influence. Remember Maharana Pratap, Shivaji?
"How is it that the oh-so-bad Akber had his court favorites in Birbal and Tansen. Why did he proclaim a new religion, deen-e-elahi if he was so interested in promoting Islam. "

That indicates the richness and versatility of native Indian culture and is not a reflection on Akbar's generosity.
Remember, Akbar's corrupt courtiers tried all hook and crook to deafeat Birbal in his wit, but everytime they had to lick the mud.
"Why did seven generations of Mughals build forts, libraries, hospitals monuments here when their intentions were just to loot and plunder. "

In India, every masjid and darghah is a home to cocaine/marijuana drinkers. Exceptions are Ajmer Sharief or one or two (but I am not a historian) more.
What did Bastard Babar do to Ayodhya and created the bastard Babri masjid.
I can also detail u the history of Kutub Minar.
Actually, every single monument that Bastard Shahjahan or Kutubdin, tried to make was to propagate their own names and not for any secular reasons.

Now, which hospitals are u talking about AIIMS or Beach Candy?
I know u would say Hamdard Dawakhana of Delhi.
"Go figure....or maybe you can ask Arun Shouri or Varsha Bhonsle or Rithambari Devi they just might know. "

What to say of Arun Shourie? His father is a revolutionary in fighting for the rights of poor.
Varsha Bhosle is same person whose mother's songs u enjoy everyday.
"I know I will not make you see my point or me yours. The attempt is to convey that nothing is in black or white, nor are all members of a race, lineage, religion commonly good or bad."

Now again, when did I say anything against a religion, lineage being bad. I am saying Mughals were bastards because the intent with whci they came here was very bad. They were not like any civilzation. They were plunderers.
If Habibi etc. mend their ways and instead of accusing nation and people, I have nothing against them. But if anybody talks nonsense, that's intolerable.

Indians have already suffered a lot historically because of their friendly and non-violent nature. No more. I don't care if I am alone in this.

Next time u reply, try to be comprehensive and answer all questions and accusations. This game of selective amnesia on ur part is not going to be helpful for u.
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Kiss my Mughal ass ....

Abe chutye..I am wasting my time. Now you convert Tipu Sultan to a Mughal. Every statement I make you itimize it with a response of your own - which is no way a response to what I said. You omit Akbar and Deen-e-elahi and talk about his corrupt courtiers. ...
You psudo secular prick you said you have nothing against any religion but your bhangi ass says "In India, every masjid and darghah is a home to cocaine/marijuana drinkers".
This argument is taking us nowhere... you are a part of the new generation fanatics who hate to admit what they really are.
If your ass were so patrotic you would be at the border fighting enemies or doing some social work back in India. You would not be here working smugly for the decendants of the same British who yes plundered and ruled us for 200 years.

Look, u r stooping to the level u always wanted to. I never for once called u bastard or Hara......Ur inferiority complex made u think that u r one. I don't want to loose u as a true patriotic Indian but don't think that by calling Mughals what they were, I am accusing everyone of a religion.

FYI, my only one idol is always, Md. Rafi the great singer.

Monuments/forts= Darghah and Masjids (remember Jama Masjid)=religious bigotry=marijuana smoking (and I didn't say everyone, I listed exceptions)

Deen-e-Elahi= another name for converting poor hindus

I never claimed to be a historian=I too am prone to err in some of my replies.
(I won't argue on Tipu Sultan but I do know about his misdeeds against Raja Krishandev Rai or other's peaceful regimes).

My only intent (oh gosh, how many repeats) was to tell u that plunderes and conversion jealots destroyed India's pious history=

Mughal Bastards.
You did not call me bastard but are referring to any Indian Mughal as that - that would include me and hence my issue with your statement. Tipu sultan was a freedom fighter who died fighing the British but through your saffron tinted glasses u see him only as the son of the man who bytrayed Raja Krishandev Rai.
I have spent too much energy trying to convince you that there is good and is bad. Hope you get into some situation which will make you appreciate the diversity of India and its people. I have too many open-minded Hindu friends to even consider making any broad-based statement regarding your religion.
I will get out of this thread have given me quite a headache. See you on some other thread where the discussion will be positive.

On a friendly note..... I don't mean to hurt u at all.
I too have too many muslim friends to count at one go.

In the very first mail of urs wherein u accused me of bringing-in religion etc., I had asked for proof on that. U didn't give me any.
U never for once argued against what Habibi etc. say. Did u?
Instead u r fighting with me while I have been repeating that I have nothing against any religion or group at all. I just don't like baseless allegations of people like habibi.

I am not calling every Muslim by that bad name. What I am saying is those who invaded India for pludering and conversion were a cause of so many miseries. I am unwilling to accept the history drained to us in schools by likes of Romilla Thapar wherein they have shown these invading Mughals in a good to not so bad light. That's why I gave reference of Arun Shourie and the fact that nobody has been able to refute his words yet.

Now, it will be novice on my part to say that every Indian muslim is bad (I gave example of July16 on this forum). I have known so many simple and nice muslim farmers and I cherish the moments I spent with them. Common man is never bad and is never into communalist fighting. It is the fundamentalist leaders who propagate violence. Earlier it used to Mughal Kings and now people like Shai Imam or Bukhari.

I still acknowledge ur family mambers being from army etc.
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Hi All,

I rarely post, but just wanted to convey feelings about this whole issue.

I think Habibi is an insect. All IT says is filth. There is no doubt that he hates India and Indians. But by arguing and talking against a religion we are also offending Indian Muslims and ending up fighting among ourselves.
It has been India's misfortune that it's citizens have never been able to coexist peacefully, so let's give up all the BS, we the people of Indo subcontinent are all genetically the same people just seprated(blinded) by religion.
Let's live in the present and face the future, we are all on this site because we have applied for GC, our children will grow up here, attend the same schools, play on the same teams. Let's stop the endless cycle of hate here.
If we choose to scumb to the demon of hatred we would just be giving into the Habibi's who want to see us destroyed.
Now its not far when our brothers convert you to Islam the only religion. Its a fact that in India muslims are second class.If my brother July16 is reading this article he will understand.
Ab Woh din door nahi jab delhi ke lal kile par hum islam ka parcham fehrayege(Insha Allah).
You just wait and see how we drive you kafirs out and convert all remaining temples in Masjid. Pretty soon when you so back you would see your parents as devout muslims. Nobody can escape this great wave of Islam. India will be in history soon and what you will see is only Pakistan.
(Insha Allah)
(Allaho akbar)
-Mansoor Haqqani.
Time is up for killer virus islam.

(darul-islam) where the virus has infected, darul-harm(happy un doctrinated people live) is soon going to be crushed, between the juggernat of West and East, YOU BASTARD BELIVERS(BELIEFE IN VOILENCE, HATERED AND KILLING INNOCENTS AND WEAK IN THE NAME OF GOD) JUDGEMENT DAY IS NEARING.

Hindus WILL punish you for what u did u hindus.

Its the bastard jehadi muslim who says only his religion is the true religion and everybody else needs to be converted, his dick need to be cut and fed to dogs. Islam religion its self is a bastard religion, born of jewish plagiarization, slaves of jews with no originality thats why you hate jews, bunch of theives.

Your stole religion and culture from jews and science and philosophy from vedic texts and gave to west and back stabbed both, your design has been understood.

If you are a true muslim u will give a twisted wry smile after reading and u must jari a fatwa for blasphemy.

And mind u these converted pakistani non jehadi (READ HONEST AND PEACEFUL) people i have little problem with, because somewhere in our hearts we both know what the truth is, hinduism will take them back with open arms, their mother faith faith of their ancestors.

Also a word of advise to the muslim leftover and arabian slaves in india, pakistan please i dont want to kill you if u harmonize your demonic religion with humanity and admit to a right ful history of yours of being a barbarians and thugs and make it a religion of (Peace for Him) and NOT( Peace Be upon Him), if u get me.


ISLAMIC_GC Please dont make me do this

Originally posted by ISLAMIC_GC
Now its not far when our brothers convert you to Islam the only religion. Its a fact that in India muslims are second class.If my brother July16 is reading this article he will understand.
Ab Woh din door nahi jab delhi ke lal kile par hum islam ka parcham fehrayege(Insha Allah).
You just wait and see how we drive you kafirs out and convert all remaining temples in Masjid. Pretty soon when you so back you would see your parents as devout muslims. Nobody can escape this great wave of Islam. India will be in history soon and what you will see is only Pakistan.
(Insha Allah)
(Allaho akbar)
-Mansoor Haqqani.

==Now its not far when our brothers convert you to Islam the only religion. Its a fact that in India muslims are second class.==

ISLAMIC_GC Remember what George Bernard Shaw said

Islam Is The Best relegion BUT The Followers Are The WORST (That Statement specifically applies to you)

==Muslims are Second Class==

Have you heard of
Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad
Dr Zakir Hussain
Dr Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
Dr Sadik Ali
Dr Kalam The current President
Just to name a few
Say Please and I will name another 100

==If my brother July16 is reading this article he will understand.
Ab Woh din door nahi jab delhi ke lal kile par hum islam ka parcham fehrayege(Insha Allah).==

When did I become your Brother, If you can trade your mother (MOTHERLAND) for a few dollars you are unique, I for one can never do that, not for Dollars NOT FOR THE PROMISE OF HEAVEN, AND NOT FOR THE PROMISE OF 70 VIRGINS, NEVER EVER.

let me tell you this

==You just wait and see how we drive you kafirs out and convert all remaining temples in Masjid. Pretty soon when you so back you would see your parents as devout muslims. Nobody can escape this great wave of Islam. India will be in history soon and what you will see is only Pakistan==


Where did Pakistan come from
INDIA (Right)

So for technical purposes India is the BAAP and Pakistan is the Beta

So tell me this when if ever has a son been able to outsmart his DAD

GET A LIFE A** H**E ( Pardonea Mea Frenchea)

This is the second time I make a resolution not to reply to this kind of posts.
