So you think VSC is gonna speed up?


Registered Users (C)

Read this article, should be interesting reading to say the least:

Do you think it's just lip service? or do you think that was the reason why VSC was so far behind CSC? or do you think they'll feel secure in their jobs now and sit back and relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday season? :)

Good luck to you all! :)
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peeved said:

Read this article, should be interesting readion to say the least:

Do you think it's just lip service? or do you think that was the reason why VSC was so far behind CSC?
or do you think they'll feel secure in their jobs now and sit back and relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday season? :)
----- This is very much possible and that is BIIIIIG concern for us all.
Good luck to you all! :)

And, regarding the speed increase, I dont see that coming anytime soon unless they get back from bowling. :D Come on! You cannot expect that from VSC. :D

On a serious note, I hope they change gears and get some cases moving now.

Good luck to all of us.
This could work both ways. Officers may get comfortable and relax ( a lot ) or they could (for once) move their a***s and get to work. Hope its the second...
For the sake of everyone who is waiting *forever* for approvals, hopefully this is a step towards speeding things along.
I think the key words are "utter jubilation" expressed by VSC employees... expect a flood of approvals in the next week or so as they go back to their desks in an unusually benevolent mood!!
That said, not sure when they'd go back to their desks... from bowling like hakoona suggested... :p
Now VSC employees will get back to their old style of Random porcessing.
These idiots are of no use. I wouldn't even hire them as Janitors.
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I did not understand the term "immigration officer job contest". so CIS workers are not permanent employees or what is the stuff about?

peeved said:

Read this article, should be interesting reading to say the least:

Do you think it's just lip service? or do you think that was the reason why VSC was so far behind CSC? or do you think they'll feel secure in their jobs now and sit back and relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday season? :)

Good luck to you all! :)
More relaxed environment makes workers slow. Also I do not think that they are slow because they are under some kind of tension. Rather job insecurity makes you work better. It all depends upon the manpower stength and quality. If they are able to improve that, then only the speed will improve.

Let us hope that the management / govt. thinks that making immigrants free their mind from such things / tensions, will incourage them to more concentrate on theirs skill improvements, entreprenearship etc.. etc.. and that way help US economy become better.

May God Bless us All!
GC_09_2003 said:
I did not understand the term "immigration officer job contest". so CIS workers are not permanent employees or what is the stuff about?

I believe there was some talk about privatizing these jobs vs. keeping them in the govt. sector. Some proposed it and some opposed it. There was a lot of tension. Things went back and forth. Perhaps that's what they meant by "contest".