Smart way to talk to an Immigration officer :


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everyone ,
I would like to propose an idea. I would like to request everyone to read this and give their feedback. I spoke to the Immigration officer twice so far and I could get the call through after trying for 30 mins each time. Since they have few officers to answer our questions , how about we follow this simple rule and make our lives easy. People with the LIN # ending with 1 and 2 should call INS on Monday, people with LIN # ending with 3& 4 on Tuesday, 5 & 6 on Wednesday, 7 & 8 on Thursday and finally 9 & 0 on Friday.
I know each one would be having a different case ( I-140, I-485 etc.)
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I would like to propose that NO one calls an IIO . Why would we want to waste an IO valuable time - let the IO\'s focus on all OUR (including yours) applications.
Unless you have an excpetional question please refrain from calling them . USE COMMON SENSE.
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Actually the IIO have nothing else to do but to answer our questions. So calling them is not causing delays. HOWEVER, calling them for frivolous reasons increases the waiting time for those who do need to talk to one. I suggest that if your application is a few months away from approval, the only reason you should call is to check if the FP was accepted. Even that is not necessary since you get a redo notice very quickly but I realize people are anxious so this is a reasonable reason for checking. For example, if the latest approval is for application submitted in June, no one with a RD after august should call.
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IIO have to answer phones if no one (on duty) is available (due to OOF, nap time, meal break , etc) - so, please USE COMMON SENSE and do not call unless your case is in critical path. Go to and from the data on this well-put-together website gather the statistics and you will make a good sense of where things are and where your case is at this time.
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You know what irn, you are not a good person. You bother people and hurt their feelings(unrelated to the above posting), you better get the hell out of this site or watch what you are posting. Everyone will do and post what they want, if you don\'t want to read, skip it and mind your business. Every one is curious as you are, if not more to know what\'s happenning to their case, when they see the others getting approved, when both are in the same boat. So, they have a right to talk to any one they want, don\'t bother suggesting any thing....If you keep on doing what you are now, you will end up on this web site for ever, with out accomplishing what you want in your life, as there is some one on the top of us watching what we do.
Good luck....
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Looking at this, I believe, I had terrible a experience talking to IIO. I called on June 5th and the person I spoke to, said politely that I have to wait since my RD is 05/30/00 as they were processing RD of 04/15/00. When I saw couple of approvals on this bulletin board this morning, I called again this afternoon to check my status and now the AVM says that my case was approved on June 4th. I did not want to speak to any IIO since they are not aware of what is happening with the actual application process and I think we have to wait patiently till we receive actual approval notices. Calling and speaking with an IIO may not get anything except sorrow unless they(IIO) know what they are talking about. I guess some may not agree, but this is a fact. FYI
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Stupid way to curb your anxiety.
Instead of calling INS we will call you. That way it will keep the INS number free and you can dial for us. I paid the Fees to INS and who are you to suggest the method. You want to keep the traffic low so that u can get the line in 10 minutes where as others suffer from lack of information. Keep waiting in vain and think that INS will inform us time to time.

I suggest the method for you.

last digit 0 call first day of december.
last digit 1 call first day of january.
last digit 2 call first day of february.


as the information doesnot change much and INS is slow.
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No where in my post did I mention that everyone should call.If there is a need for someone to call INS, it would be easier to get the call through.
The calls are answered by Customer Service Reps and not by Immigration officer. SO don\'t try to be smart by proposing stupid ideas.
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You Selfish: Keep watching this post!!

You need to look inside yourself , you selfish..

Instead of suggesting people, you stop calling INS and reduce the traffic by ONE at least.
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You idea is great. But think about is impossible to implement ideas, no matter how great, if they involve suppression of human emotions - in this case - anxiety.

Better still, this idea can certainly be implemented (I believe, successfully) in a "not so human" automated system. The only way I see it working is if the AVM at service centers were programmed to handle your proposed logic as below:

1. prompting the applicant to enter the LIN #, then,
2. if the LIN # falls within a certain Range (or begins with a certain string), look for the pre-associated day of the week; then
3. complete the connection with the IIO.

4. if the caller doesn\'t satisfy the LIN#-day relationship, advise them to call on their pre-associated day.

Now, proposing artificial intelligent systems is one thing, and MAKING IT WORK AT INS IS TOTALLY ANOTHER!!!!!
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unknow, I love you too!!!
You posted in 5/14 that your case has been approved. WAS THAT A LIE??
is that why you HATE people who suggest to be responseble in their postings.