slowdown ?


Registered Users (C)
Based on the lack of approvals in this forum lately, it appears that 485 approvals may have slowed down (again). In the other forum, someone said something about Mexican temporary status or some such thing getting priority over 485s.
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Not again.. its soooo frustrating. :(

Very few RFE/approval posts.. At least there should be a trickle. :mad:
POJ thanks for all the great pictures you make. It really lightens up my day and sure many others'. Thanks again for putting humour into our very dry lives!!
The rate of approval is still better than what it was last year....
If you don't get approved by prepared for a long wait.
Thankx ADDTX

Thanks ADDTX

Learned about dry life some recommendations :D (never tested, use ur own risk :D )

                      `-____-'     ,-----------------------.
                       ,i--i.      | Dear ADDTX             |
                      / @  @ \    /  To relief from Dry LIfe |
                     | -.__.- | _'   Take some Shower - Hehehe|
                      \.    ,/ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""
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We all feel it has been slow down again. The processing date for Sept. 1st will be coming out fairly soon on Aila. Let's see what TSC is going to say. It really feels frustrated that your date is around the cut off date and yoru FP is expiring.
my 1st FP is to expire on 08/23/04 and the 2nd FP I received yesterday notice date says 08/19/04.
I dont understand, why they cant just approve the case, instead issuing FP.
but the 2nd FP is not from TSC, it's from Vermont(ESC)

No Idea what going on...
The few (and far apart) approvals that are being reported these days seem to be mostly for cases that were previously transferred to local offices. In the days to come, maybe it'll become a good sign for one's case to get transferred to one's local office!

Safari_TSC said:
We all feel it has been slow down again. The processing date for Sept. 1st will be coming out fairly soon on Aila. Let's see what TSC is going to say. It really feels frustrated that your date is around the cut off date and yoru FP is expiring.
I hate to be like this man. I remember last year in the early months where there was not even one approval in month for about 5-6 months.
I think the slowdown is due to the year end audit in preparation for backlog progress report for FY04. Time to cook the books to show that progress was made in backlog reduction by manipulating statistics and random approvals from 2001 to 2004.
I wonder if that "manipulation" would also involve a big move forward in the processing date -- that way we can at least get closer to initiating inquiries through Congressmen or Senators. It's so exhausting just trying to speculate why TSC does what it does.

Groan said:
I think the slowdown is due to the year end audit in preparation for backlog progress report for FY04. Time to cook the books to show that progress was made in backlog reduction by manipulating statistics and random approvals from 2001 to 2004.
Of course big move in processing date...processing 2003...
all those who are left behind have not been processed for Security reasons....