Skin Test - Please advice


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I am just going to take TB skin test. They say the result can be monitered only after 48 hrs. How will it look like before 48 hrs. Will the infection be shown only after 48 hrs or will it gradually increase with time. Please advise.

Worried about it as many of the Asians prove +ve to the test.


There is nothing to be worried about. Normally there is a small reddish bump at the location you are injected (normally the forearm). For some this may develop into a dark red and also a big lump.

If there is not too much of a swelling you should be OK but if the swelling is more than normal then they have you take a TB treatment, I think.

I was worried too but when the test was done, both my wife and myself had no problems!

Best of luck!
If the size of the lump is less than 5mm then it is OK. I heard that if it is more that 5mm then they make you take a chest x-ray. If that comes fine then it is OK. If there is a problem with the chest x-ray then they will probaby start the TB treatment.
Normally if the diameter of the redness is more than 10mm in diameter, the skin test is positive.

No need to worry about the skin test as BCG vaccine will most probably result in a positive skin test.

Me and wife were both positive to the skin test. We were asked to take the chest X-ray and we were both negative.

If you are positive in the X-ray, you need to take the medication which will be for around 9 months. It is advised not to discontinue once you start the medication Or not start at all. Also, pregnant women may be at risk with the medication. Please check with your doctor.

Hope this helps.
Hope this one would help....

Purified protein derivative standard; TB skin test; Tuberculin skin test

In the United States health care providers use a simple skin test called the PPD (purified protein derivative) to test for exposure to tuberculosis .

Why the test is performed

The test is performed to evaluate infection with tuberculosis.
Normal values

A negative reaction (no induration) or a level of induration below the cutoff for each risk group (e.g., different cutoffs for children, people with HIV, etc.) may indicate lack of infection with the bacteria which causes TB. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect test and up to 20% of people infected with tuberculosis may not have a reaction on the PPD skin test. In addition, individuals with certain conditions which affect the immune system may also have a false negative test (e.g., cancer, recent chemotherapy, late-stage AIDS).
What abnormal results mean

The significance of the reaction depends on the size of the reaction on the skin and the individual. The reaction is measured in millimeters of induration (hard swelling) at the site. For example, a small reaction (5 mm) is considered a positive reaction in individuals with HIV, in individuals on chronic steroids or in close contacts of a person with active tuberculosis. Larger reactions (greater than or equal to 10 mm) are considered positive in individuals with diabetes, renal failure and health care workers, among others. In individuals with no known risks for tuberculosis, a positive reaction requires a 15 mm induration.

Special considerations

This test is widely used -- however its limitations include the fact that there are false negatives and false positives. In addition, a positive skin test does not necessarily mean that an individual has active tuberculosis. Additional studies are needed to verify whether active disease is present.
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Thanks guys for all who had taken the time to advise me. I tested -ve for the test.

Thank you & Good luck
