Site to get appt for FL residents (my PP stamped today)


Registered Users (C)
I am not sure whether it is known already. But for FL residents, if you have to go to the local INS office (for any reaons from General to stamping), you can get appointment online.

I used this and got my PP stamped in the local office. Took just about an hour from the time I went in to the time I got out.

Remember: you need to get 1 appointment for every member that are going to the office (I got 2 for me and my wife. I was asked to show 2 appointment print outs). And there is no way to cancel/change the appointment date (until the date and time is passed).

Hope this helps!
I heard this is pilot project. If online scheduling is successful at Florida, BCIS then BCIS might implement the same everywhere in USA.
makes so much sense

so no more "get there 2 hours before the office opens- there will already be about 70 people before you" etc..

congrats, BTW.